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$500.00 Donor
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Everything posted by Knuckolls

  1. Good luck! hope this goal gets achieved! next step: 20 accounts with 85 mining ;)
  2. R.I.P man, i had a account (10+ Vet) get banned in the bot busting for Macro Major in 2013
  3. This guy has a few accounts with mid 70's to 80 Range, Hit him up @towelman He also has a 80 range 10 hp account.
  4. That's a lot of Forum Moderators....
  5. Hmm.. Not showing a stable version.. just a thought, have you verified that java is working correctly on your system? i recently had to do a hot fix on my java for some off reason. Now on MAC OSX I would say delete everything in Finder related to Osbot and start fresh. MAC's can be finnicy when it comes to .jars :-/ I hope your situation gets resolved. Have you talked with Alek or Maldesto?
  6. Uninstall your Osbot. Reinstall, I hope that helps. How you can find your Osbot is using file explorer if your on windows 8+ Mac Osx: Finder Start Menu on Win 7.
  7. life's a bitch sometimes.
  8. I'll buy all 9 tonight, if you can make it an even 10 i'll do 500k on the 10th
  9. ;( I'm sorry for your loss
  10. you can't just go and change your damn iconic noticeable avatar like that on me man @upotudrop
  11. When he said that I was like just let my people go IT1, its 22:00 and We are dying to kill our lungs...
  12. I understand man. hopefully IT1 lets us go to the smoke deck soon. I'm dying inside.
  13. @Magarac @Juggles -seems someone is farming wine-
  14. well I mean at least skillers still enjoy rs3. then again A friend showed you can spend 13 Grand and get all 99's by in game purchases of chest keys. smh.
  15. yup. I hope they keep the prices high and instead of implementing a lot of ways to get even better equipment in or at least slow the flow of new equipment coming back into 07. Tbh I want this game to survive but if we hit pre eoc or go thru a different evolution of cb (ie) we get to 2011-2013 but instead of going eoc we do a different thing I wouldn't mind it. (I think) or 2017 at 1m -jk- haven't checked prices, but you can get like 250M rs3 for like less than 50 bucks online 0_0
  16. but then you also with you factoring the amt of gold in the game you forget there are many people with item stacks of thousands of liquid assets (like full stack of shards in 2011-13) and that there is also the opportunity in the future of a oldschool bot nuke to occur and RS history to repeat itself, because it already is. its a fucking matrix of a community now.
  17. but then again you also have to think about the future of 07. its going to eventually become 08 scape and with that in mind there are a lot more items to be re-added into the game that will destroy the economy once more like they did in the past.
  18. <- watch me -> And I will see how the wind blows on staking in the future ^3^
  19. hmmm.... didn't even think about that...
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