If this is going to happen, then said premium scripts need to get better and less detectable, updated more often, and more fixes and changes to patterns regularly to get ahead of BotWatch and other implementations that Jagex has institututed to identify and track bots.
This being said, this is not an attack on your work at all @Apaec I'm just speaking at all scripts (Premium) on the SDN. I myself support Private scripts because I have a warning from Extreme Scripts 3 years ago for asking for one, and now the fact that he fucked up selling one is like sweet sweet revenge. Now I'm not a malicious person, but to me this seems like Karma.
Now I also support private Scripts, because there are so many user's on this Forum that depend on private Script sales for a secondary/(maybe) primary income, and also there's just something special about having your own unique script no one else has.
And I completely agree with this from @Alek, there should be no protection, and it's been stated that said staff will not get involved to a certain extent.
You know if everyone was a decent human being and scammers/lazy people were not a thing, there wouldn't be an issue here at all.