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Everything posted by Knuckolls

  1. Now @Alek, could we pay extra *cough Cough donate money Cough cough* to get said Quest. Zulrah. minigame, scripts? I think I had a C-Note or two in my throat...
  2. @No one Sorry but your looking at at least 250-300k quested and 150-190k unquested... but as @towelman posted you could try Void and Lewis
  3. insensitive to people with "Slave" ancestors.
  4. Lol, Well damn it wasn't "Everything" on steam, but thank you, I just checked steam and got the Halo Wars Remastered Edition So thank you @DrDu
  5. Am I the only one who came into the thread awhile back, now coming back and saying fuck reading all these paragraphs is confused on what happened?
  6. This is a ballsy post from you Nurvael Really Ballsy considering your still TWC.
  7. If this is going to happen, then said premium scripts need to get better and less detectable, updated more often, and more fixes and changes to patterns regularly to get ahead of BotWatch and other implementations that Jagex has institututed to identify and track bots. This being said, this is not an attack on your work at all @Apaec I'm just speaking at all scripts (Premium) on the SDN. I myself support Private scripts because I have a warning from Extreme Scripts 3 years ago for asking for one, and now the fact that he fucked up selling one is like sweet sweet revenge. Now I'm not a malicious person, but to me this seems like Karma. Now I also support private Scripts, because there are so many user's on this Forum that depend on private Script sales for a secondary/(maybe) primary income, and also there's just something special about having your own unique script no one else has. And I completely agree with this from @Alek, there should be no protection, and it's been stated that said staff will not get involved to a certain extent. You know if everyone was a decent human being and scammers/lazy people were not a thing, there wouldn't be an issue here at all.
  8. Get yourself a Private Script from a reputable Scripter, i.e @Eagle Scripts, @Imateamcape, @Chris to name a few. and test it out on a weekend and if they survive the Monday Ban-Wave then you know you can bot more hours. If using a Premium or Free Script, goodluck by Monday, they will most likely be banned by Monday @8am so mule any profits or liquid resources over to other accounts to save as much profit as possible before ban. Even with a private script, if said script farms a resource and you know you can survive a ban wave you should still mule your profits quite frequently. Good Luck with the Weekend!
  9. Wait, is this a Real post @Nate Also I 100% agree with this because even thought I love private scripts, I also remember 2011-2013 where you could use Osbot, P___, T____, or E_____ and use the free or paid "VIP"/"PREMIUM" scripts and never catch a ban. I would love another era like this to come back into botting. Right on @paper
  10. Mod Weath Scare for sure. Definitely not a Deadman Seasonal World, whatsoever
  11. Yes. Don't catch a chain ban and lose all your accounts.
  12. hmmmm... Now its time for you to go for 500 Congrats
  13. Knuckolls


    I occasionally still play RS3. unfortunately botting on RS3 seems to be null, you'll get banned reaaaaaal fast. but playing legit on my main is fun, lots of quests to do and its not all that bad.
  14. Knuckolls

    pc game

    I would have to agree with @Nate PU is a much better pvp battle royale than H1Z1 is. And since it's newer and didn't advertise shit it didn't deliver on I support them more than H1Z1
  15. I'll purchase a bowstring bot this week and test it out by suiciding 5 accounts on it and let you know if they catch bans on Monday you see this @Imateamcape get your scripting hands ?
  16. post of the night +1
  17. Knuckolls

    1-75 Mage

    I'm dying learning Subnetting Right now.... But tonight I'm buying a few accounts from someone, I'll send you screens on skype of the stats Also, just have @Imateamcape make you a splashing script or a script for whatever gets you magic xp with no hp possible
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