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Everything posted by Knuckolls

  1. A General Rule of thumb for Threads like His, and also mine and other's, most people who have a plan or method that will cause them to gain money most likely will not share the secret.
  2. Dear Czar, With the deepest concern, I tell you this... YOUR BONE®'S ARE BROKEN It would seem as after looting a full inventory of bones it decides "FUCK PRAYER XP" and just lets them sit in the inventory. Sincerely, Your Deepest Admirer Tylar245
  3. I love it, man! I'm happy to see that Mission Fish Possible is happening! Two things: You really shouldn't worry about a ban in F2p on your GoldFarming Accounts unless they have Sentimental value or you have played LEGIT on these accounts and don't want to see them go. IF this is the case for your 8 Accounts, then I would say don't even think about botting them. Make some new emails and new accounts. IF you find yourself in need of new accounts and Gmail or Yahoo is too much of a hassle with the confirmation phones and blah blah blah, Try out Tutanota.com, which offers's legit encrypted emails and you can make as many as you want. No Bullshit. GOLDEN RULE: You will be banned, don't get attached and move your "Gainz" off ever few hours to a MULE Account. Add me on skype, I'm Tylar245 maybe I can see about getting you that 100k Grind Stack quickly, if not Good Luck on that! Have Fun.
  4. I would say to keep it simple, add a "Grab all equipment" button, or a loaded equipment thingy so it senses what we have equipped so that on death walk it will go and re-equip and loot the death pile.
  5. I will mention this Czar, from my testing I have found that there is no death walk, or if there is I may just be too stupid to figure it out (Can I ask why it doesn't go back and get your gear and re-equip? Also maybe add a function to stop auto fighting when HP is low to regen?) Another thing, for starting accounts this is amazing!!!!!!, using another premium script (won't mention the name) the accounts are banned almost as soon as stats are gotten to my liking, whereas with this script my accounts are now almost a week old and not Instantly Banned for botting goblins or cows, etc in f2p. This is amazing work! +10 Chars!
  6. The lifespan of GoldFarming Account is very fickle and changes often depending on what you're botting, Although in my case they are going on almost 2 weeks without a care in the world.
  7. Same, I'm terrified what will happen to my 15 Bots by like Tuesday/Wednesday, therefore, every hour and a half I'm transferring the "GAINZ" over to my mule's just in case. Can never be to Greedy.
  8. Fresh account, Gunna suicide it, and see how far I can get with your script!, time shall tell! If i figure out how to make a proggy I will post one!
  9. Czar, Whats the word bird on the developer and the update? Can we expect this to come out over the Weekend? or should we reserve ourselves for a bit?
  10. Zebra coming outta of nowhere with the depression... damn dude... and it's on a "Just got Banned" thread... RIP..... On a side note, Gz on only a 2-day ban!
  11. Okie Dokie, well I will definitely purchase the script, and if I am graced with the trial I'll figure out how to do a proggy and then post it for you on here
  12. Czar, Are there any trials left? would love to get all my gold farming accounts leveled up ^_^! Also MSRP upon release? your usual $8.99 or will this cost more?
  13. fantastic, simple, I LOVE IT! And time to repeat this 20 times XD
  14. both would be dandy if possible and not to much of a burden
  15. Actually, I'm going to give you free reign here. just like my tattoo's one must not hinder a true artist with parameters. you have my permission to go crazy and do whatever you think is best!
  16. Sysm, Are you still offering your services for free? If so, shoot me a PM and I will gladly pay/work a deal out with you fi you are going big time and requesting that $$$
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