I love it, man! I'm happy to see that Mission Fish Possible is happening!
Two things: You really shouldn't worry about a ban in F2p on your GoldFarming Accounts unless they have Sentimental value or you have played LEGIT on these accounts and don't want to see them go.
IF this is the case for your 8 Accounts, then I would say don't even think about botting them. Make some new emails and new accounts. IF you find yourself in need of new accounts and Gmail or Yahoo is too much of a hassle with the confirmation phones and blah blah blah, Try out Tutanota.com, which offers's legit encrypted emails and you can make as many as you want. No Bullshit.
GOLDEN RULE: You will be banned, don't get attached and move your "Gainz" off ever few hours to a MULE Account.
Add me on skype, I'm Tylar245 maybe I can see about getting you that 100k Grind Stack quickly, if not Good Luck on that!
Have Fun.