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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/28/21 in Posts

  1. β™”CzarScripts #1 Bots β™” Proven the #1 selling, most users, most replies Script Series on the market. Big THANK YOU to all our wonderful users and supporters over the 8 years, we couldn't have done it without you. Czar Bots have always been the Best and the most Feature-rich bots available with the most total sales in OSBot history. Come and find out why everyone is choosing Czar Bots today. β™” LATEST BOTS β™” If you want a trial - just post the script name and it will be activated after I hit 'like' on your post Requirements: hit 'like' on this thread
    1 point
  2. Buy here: SCRIPT ID: 1096 Features: Every relevant location supported! Kills Ammonite crabs Kills Rock crabs + CANNONSUPPORT Kills Sand crabs (including both Crabclaw caves and island!) Kills Swamp crabs Different activity levels supported: Fully AFK, hopping when crashed, attacking active crabs, waking up all crabs in your area Divine potion support, keep in mind that these potions deal 10 damage to you so you need to factor that in for your inventory setup (Your hp level needs to be atleast 24 to use divine potions with this script) You can customize the cannon refill threshold Loots fossils while killing Ammonite crabs Banking is supported, script will stop when there are no supplies in your bank Save&Load settings for quick use! Script automatically upgrades ranged gear if you have them in your inventory: studded gear + coif -> snakeskin + boots and bandana -> green/blue/red/black d hides Progressive mode: allows you to set a list of tasks to either kill crabs until certain level goals or to make use of custom breaks. Read below for more info. Progressive mode: create your own presets that you can quickly load from the menu or from CLI. Start botting with just one click!You can find an example on how to use CLI below: Full rundown of the script settings/GUI: IF YOU WANT TO USE THE CANNON FEATURE SELECT ROCKCRABS -> RELEKKA(CANNON) AS YOUR TRAINING LOCATION 1. Welcome screen: Select either regular mode (which is functionally the same as the previous version of this script) or the new progressive mode. 2. Regular mode window: These are the same settings you are already familiar with if you used this script before. Its pretty simple, just wear the equipment you want to use/set the correct attack style before starting this script and then just fill in this GUI to tell the script which and how many supplies to bring and what crabs to kill. Most settings are selfexplanatory. The activity level describes how active the script will be while training: "AFK on selected spot", "Hop when crashed", "Attack active crabs" (will attack active crabs if not in combat), "Wake up other crabs" (will attack active crabs if not in combat, if there are none around it will wake up crabs for other crab spots in your area. Recommended setting if you want to train at rockcrabs), "Anti crash mode" (will stay on the selected spot but attack crabs if another player crashes you (or you crash them ) and the crabs are attacking him instead of you, "Hop and wake up crabs" (will act like wake up other crabs mode, but if you are on the original afk spot and someone crashes you the script will hop), Hop and attack (attacks active crabs but hops when other player is on selected spot). Activity levels are not used for cannoning. The cannon refill values you can set are the lower and upper boundaries of a range in which the script will refill your cannon. For example you select to refill between 5 and 15, the script will pick a random number between 5 and 15 and will refill the cannon if it has fewer cannonballs left. Please note the script will walk around during cannoning to wake up rockcrabs in the area, so it will first have to walk back to the cannon to refill it. You can use the Save and Load buttons to start botting within seconds. 3. Progressive mode window: Add an remove tasks from your tasklist: Load saved tasks: Pretty simple. The left side will show you which tasks you have selected, the right side is used to add or remove tasks. Do NOT select any tasks you dont have the requirements for, for example setting a ammonite crabs task when you dont have Bone voyage complete and the bankchest build. Also you can not start with a break task. Start the script near the bank of your first choosen task as the script will always resupply at the start of the script. You can save your currently selected task list by pressing the Save button and entering a name. You can quickly load any of your presets by selecting the preset in the menu and pressing the load button. CLI IS EXPLAINED BELOW 4. Combat task setup window: NOTE: The setting "Select Skill to train" in the combat settings box tells the script which the skill you actually want train, the skill you select in the goal settings box is just used as the stop condition for your combat task. So make sure you select the right option under "Select Skill to train" or the script will just train attack, which is the default setting Select "add" and choose to add a new combat task in the progressive mode window to get here. Very similiar to the regular mode window, however you also have to select which equipment setup, aswell as which combat style you want to use and what the goal level of this combat task is. You choose equipment setups from the menu at the top and create new ones by pressing the button below it. You can either save the equipment you are currently wearing: Or select from presaved items for each equipment slot. Once you want to save the equipment set enter a name in the textfield at the buttom and press save. It will now appear in the menu on the previous screen. Your presets are saved in the Osbot Data folder. The typical path would be : C/Users/OSBot/Data/ezCrabs/GearPresets NOTE: If you PAUSE the script at this stage to interact with the game to set up multiple gear presets you also have to RESUME the script again once you are done. 5. Break task setup window: To make use of the custom break feature of this script simply add a break task to your tasklist. You can select to travel to one of the banks near the training spots in prepartion for your next combat task. The script will idle and not log back in until the timer is up, you can choose to logout directly or let the script idle and log outby being afk. HOW TO RUN THIS SCRIPT FROM FROM CLI: Script id: 1096 Script parameter: Presetname (without .txt filename extension) You can start the script right from CLI and let it execute any of your saved tasklists. The parameter to start the script is going to be the presetname you gave your tasklist (without the filename extension). You can find your presets in Users/OSBot/Data/ezCrabs/ProgressiveMode. Example: java -jar "PATH TO YOUR OSBOT.JAR HERE" -login OSBOT_ACCOUNT:OSBOT_PASSWORD -bot RS_ACCOUNT:RS_PASSWORD:BANKPIN -script 1096:PRESETNAME Note if you dont have a bankping just enter any 4digit number. The script parameter does not include the .txt filename extension. More general info on starting osbot from cli can be found here: Requirements: Trials: Like this post and comment to get a Trial! Trials only for VIP/Sponsor users Contact/Bug reports: If you have any specific questions or would like to report a bug please send me a detailed private message on this forum, so I know exactly what your problem is. Pictures: NEW V2 PICS: (User going from 74 all the way to 99 strength on an obby mauler by going hard on mirrormode!) OLD PICS: Updates: v1.1: Updated the reset area for the crabclaw caves a bit to avoid rare cases of not having enough distance between afk spot and reset area. v1.2: Script automatically upgrades ranged gear if you have them in your inventory: studded gear + coif -> snakeskin + boots and bandana -> green/blue/red/black d hides. v1.3: changed the script logic a bit to solve a rare issue that could sometimes appear on some settings (mostly swampcrabs) when you lose aggro. v1.4: made the GUI resizeable so if you are running on mac and osbot doesnt open in the right size you can still access all settings. v2.0: Added progressive mode and done a lot of behind the scenes improvements. Regular mode is functionally the same as the script previously was, so if you dont want to use progressive mode nothing has changed for you . v2.01: Small bugfix and added the ability to hide the paint by clicking on it. v2.02: changes to aggro resetting v2.03: fixed an issue that script wouldnt recognise what to do when you started it fully geared but you were in an area that wasnt the bank, the selected crabs spot or the reset location. v2.04: Added new combat mode: wakes up new crabs if you killed all on your spot, but will hop if your original spot gets crashed. v2.05: Fixed bug that made script attacking crabs on other spots not work properly, improved worldhopping to work consistently and added another area for resetting at sandcrabs so resetting should be faster at those spots. v2.06: Optimizing reset areas. v2.07: Added additional checks to prevent getting logged out for inactivity if you bot with a low activity setting and dont use pots or food. v2.08: Progressivemode: added ability to save your tasklists as presets that you can load in the GUI and start from CLI. v2.09: Added new combat mode "Hop and attack" which attacks any active crabs around you if you arent in combat, but hops worlds when someone else is on your selected spot. v2.10: Added HP checking during resetting aggro so script priotizes eating over walking. v2.11: Improvements to aggroresetting. v2.12: Bugfix for CLI mode. v2.13: Bugfix for withdrawing stackable weapons in progressive mode. v2.14: Bugfix aggro resetting getting stuck in cannonmode. v2.15: when worldhopping the script will now hop directly on the spot if its not under attack instead of first walking to the aggro reset area. v.2.16: added support for Waterbirth tabs. If you are banking and have one in your bank and inventory space for it the script will take it if you are training on waterbirth island.
    1 point
  3. Upcoming NPCs: Green Dragons NOT SUPPORTED!, ROCK CRABS, SAND CRABS, AMMONITE CRABS Added! RUNE DRAGONS JUST ADDED, GET IN THAT SWEET 2-3m/hr! Want to buy with OSRS GP? Buy a store voucher here! And this sweet drop while testing the script for update v254.0... 52 HOUR RESULT! Hotkey List // F1 = set cannon tile // F2 = hide paint // F3 = Set afk tile // F4 = reset afk tile // F6 = Set safespot tile // F7 = activate tile selector // F8 = Reset tile selector // F9 and F10 used by the client, EDIT: will re-assign as they are no longer used by client // F11 = Set breaks tile // F12 = Reset breaks tile User Interface Banking Tab Demo (handles everything with banking) You can copy inventory (to avoid adding individual items...), you can insert item names which have Auto-Fill (for you lazy folk!) and you can choose whether to block an item and avoid depositing it in bank, ideal for runes and ammo. Looting Tab Demo (From looting to alchemy, noted/stackable items too) You can choose whether to alch an item after looting it simply by enabling a checkbox, with a visual representation. All items are saved upon exiting the bot, for your convenience! Tasking Demo (Not to be confused with sequence mode, this is an individual task for leveling) You can set stop conditions, for example to stop the bot after looting a visage, you can have a leveling streak by changing attack styles and training all combat stats, you can have windows alert bubbles when an event occurs and an expansive layout for misc. options! Prayer Flick Demo (Just example, I made it faster after recording this GIF) There are two settings: Safe mode and efficient mode, this is safe mode: Fight Bounds Demo Allows you to setup the fight bounds easily! Simplified NPC chooser Either choose nearby (local) NPCs or enter an NPC name to find the nearest fight location! Simple interface, just click! Level Task Switch Demo (Switching to attack combat style after getting 5 defence) You can choose how often to keep levels together! e.g. switch styles every 3 levels Cannon Demo (Cannon is still experimental, beta mode!) Choose to kill npcs with a cannon, recharges at a random revolution after around 20-24 hits to make sure the cannon never goes empty too! Results Caged Ogres: How does this bot know where to find NPCs? This bot will find far-away npcs by simply typing the NPC name. All NPCs in the game, including their spawn points have been documented, the bot knows where they are. You can type 'Hill giant' while your account is in Lumbridge, and the bot will find it's way to the edgeville dungeon Hill giants area! Here is a visual representation of the spawn system in action (this is just a visual tool, map mode is not added due to it requiring too much CPU) Fight Area Example (How the bot searches for the npc 'Wolf') Walking System The script has 2 main walking options which have distinctive effects on the script. The walking system is basically a map with points and connections linking each point. It tells the script where to go, and decides the routes to take when walking to fightzones. Walking system 1 This uses a custom walking API written by myself and is constantly being updated as new fightzones are added. Pros: - Updates are instant, no waiting times - More fightzones are supported Cons: - Sometimes if an object is altered, the changes are not instant - Restarting the script too many times requires loading this webwalker each time which adds unnecessary memory (there is no way to make it only load at client startup since I don't control the client) Walking system 2 This is the default OSBot webwalking API - it is relatively new and very stable since the developers have built it, but is currently lacking certain fightzones (e.g. stronghold) and other high level requirement zones. It is perfect for normal walking (no object interactions or stairs, entrances etc) and never fails. Pros: - Stable, works perfect for normal walking - All scripters are giving code to improve the client webwalker - More efficient when restarting the script since it is loaded upon client start Cons: - No stronghold support yet - Some new/rare fightzones not supported yet - If there is a game-breaking update or an unsupported fightzone, it may take some time to add/repair (less than 24 hours usually) So which system should I choose? Whichever one suits your chosen fightzone best! There really shouldn't be any problems - the sole purpose of these options are for backup and emergency purposes, if the script ever messes up there is always the next option to select. Note: If the script ever fails, there will be immediate updates to fix the walking systems! Script Queue/Bot Manager: Script ID is 758, and the parameters will be the profile name that you saved in the fighter setup! Bug Report templates: New feature request - What is the new feature - Basic description of what the script should do - Basic actions for the script: 'Use item on item' etc. For when the script gets stuck on a tile (or continuous loop): - Which exact tile does the script get stuck on? (exact tile, not 'near the draynor village') - Plugin or normal script? - Did you try all 3 walking options? Script has a logic bug (e.g. dies while safespotting) or (cannon mode doesn't pickup arrows) - What is the bug - How did you make the bug happen - (optional) recommendation for the bug, e.g. 'make the script walk back' or something - Tried client restart? - Normal script or a plugin? - Which exact setup options are enabled? Afk mode, cannon mode, etc etc.
    1 point
  4. @Syracuse Lol has been banned for scamming and if he wishes to return he will need to repay @Get Taxed back the full Β£41.2 Dispute closed.
    1 point
  5. This looks great, could I get a trial?
    1 point
  6. Any chance posting that content (if relevant) on the forum as I'm still waiting for my Discord verification?
    1 point
  7. Yeah, I'm also starting a new account in which I'm going to mix botting and normal play. It's going to be my primary main account. Good luck with your botting.
    1 point
  8. I have a lvl 90 Agility HCIM I'd sell for 400m
    1 point
  9. Its due to update, wait for devs to fix it
    1 point
  10. Looks good! Will reach out for a trial soon before i purchase
    1 point
  11. Hey Czar, can I get a trial?
    1 point
  12. I don't see the perfect runecrafting script available? How do I use the trial? First timer here
    1 point
  13. Loyal osbot users, we are going to be giving away a few vip packages this week. All you have to do is like this thread and comment why you should win! Random number generator will be used for 4 of the 5 winners. The 5th winner will be chosen by myself with the best reasoning why they should win the 1 year vip. Prizes: 2x - 1 month VIP 1x - 3 month VIP 1x - 6 month VIP 1x - 12 month VIP Giveaway will end Saturday Winners will be announced Saturday night thank you for continued support of osbot, Maldesto
    1 point
  14. Hi. Can i have trial for this? Thanks.
    1 point
  15. no banking for pickaxe for chain scripts ?
    1 point
  16. Could I get a trial?
    1 point
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