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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/24/14 in all areas

  1. Dear OSBot community, It was a pleasure working for you all in the past months. I cannot explain how much it burdens me to make this thread, but sadly due to personal complications I am obligated to do so. Being apart of the Staff Team and the community has taught me a lot and has allowed for exponential self growth. Even though I am leaving, @Maldesto is an excellent leader and you all will be in good hands in unison with the current Staff Team. You all have molded me to the person I am now, and I am forever thankful for this wonderful experience. This is by no means a farewell, and I will try my best to keep in contact with you all. Sincerely, @Smart
    21 points
  2. He's been here forever, dedicating his own time into making sure we, and other people are happy with OSBot and things of the like. Not only that but he has been probably the best moderator OSBot will ever see. I can't begin to explain how much of a good friend he is, how well he handles himself, and how willing he is to help. There is nobody like Smart. I think we should reward him at least a little for all of the work he has done. Someone find out his PayPal so whoever feels it's necessary to give him a little cha ching and wish him the best. I'm sure he could use a nice buck. If donating isn't your thing, you could at least post something on his Profile Feed to at least make his day.
    9 points
  3. I'm going to miss you man, hope you still text me.
    4 points
  4. Shit OP, Shit thread. Photoshopped, painted, not even a real wizard 1/10
    4 points
  5. So, the recent OSBot update made it so that we can't view the equipment we're wearing unless we open the tab. This amended Equipment class will retrieve the equipment shown in the equipment tab the last time you opened it. So just to be clear, you need to re-open the equipment tab yourself any time you want to get an updated list of items equipped. The only benefit of this class over OSB's class is that this doesn't require you to open the tab ea time you want a list of equipped items. package def.api.equipment; import java.util.ArrayList; import org.osbot.script.rs2.Client; import org.osbot.script.rs2.model.Item; import org.osbot.script.rs2.ui.EquipmentSlot; import org.osbot.script.rs2.ui.RS2InterfaceChild; public class Equipment { public static Item[] getEquipment(Client client){ ArrayList<Item> items = new ArrayList<Item>(); for(EquipmentSlot slot: EquipmentSlot.values()){ for(RS2InterfaceChild slotChild : client.getInterface(387).getChild(slot.childId).getChildren()){ if(slotChild!=null){ if(slotChild.getItemId()!=-1){ items.add(new Item(slotChild.getItemId(),slotChild.getItemAmount())); } } } } Item[] itemA = new Item[items.size()]; return items.toArray(itemA); } public static EquipmentSlot getSlotForId(Client client, int id){ for(EquipmentSlot slot: EquipmentSlot.values()){ for(RS2InterfaceChild slotChild : client.getInterface(387).getChild(slot.childId).getChildren()){ if(slotChild!=null){ if(slotChild.getItemId()==id){ return slot; } } } } return null; } public static Item getItemInSlot(Client client,EquipmentSlot slot){ for(RS2InterfaceChild slotChild : client.getInterface(387).getChild(slot.childId).getChildren()){ if(slotChild!=null){ if(slotChild.getItemId()!=-1){ return new Item(slotChild.getItemId(),slotChild.getItemAmount()); } } } return null; } }
    3 points
  6. Smartie I'm going to fully support him the best I can
    3 points
  7. I've been blessed exponentially already no need to worry about me. This community is a big part of my life, and I am glad I've gotten to learn so much from you all. Thank you all for the memories and good times.
    3 points
  8. You can also check if you are wearing weapon w/o opening equip interface. But current api doesnt provide required thing : interface settings. int[] interfaceSettings = (int[]) Class.forName("es", false, client.instance.getClass().getClassLoader()).getField("a").get(null); interfaceSettings[843] != 0; Also i bet we can get everything else like cape, helm... Cuz model renderer must have this info.
    3 points
  9. Did you really create 100 predetermined paths? O_o
    3 points
  10. Y'all know who this is dedicated to
    2 points
  11. I think this is the biggest land slide in voting.
    2 points
  12. No way It was a pleasure to have you as a mod
    2 points
  13. its not a bad idea, saves time and very unlikely to not work
    2 points
  14. People have enough common sense to figure that out themselves I believe. It's called the "signature of the week" competition so does it really need any further explanation? I always post the voting threads like this and there have never been any misunderstandings when it comes to the voting part. You vote for the one you like, it's that simple.
    2 points
  15. Free trial: Want to try out a 300k+/h premium money making script for free? Script's thread: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/38600-shrooms-flawless-fungus-farming-300kh-v5/ Rules: 100+ post count users only for security reason. Leave a comment on this thread. Leave a comment on the script's thread (see link above). Like the script's thread (not required but much appreciated) (see link above). Maximum one 24h trial per user. Maximum 5 trials per 24h.​
    1 point
  16. Free trial: Want to try out a premium herblore script for free? Script's thread: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/48273-aio-herblore-flawless-herblore-training/ Rules: 100+ post count users only for security reason. Leave a comment on this thread. Leave a comment on the script's thread (see link above). Like the script's thread (not required but much appreciated) (see link above). Maximum one 24h trial per user. Maximum 5 trials per 24h.
    1 point
  17. JD is a friend of mine, btw. (Also known as )
    1 point
  18. cya man u was the best super no offence mikasa.
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. Here is mine. First try to do my own script, and it's fucking awesome. There is no better feel when u watch flaweless script made by your self. This need some fix for faster xp...but i'm still happy. I run my own script 10h+ day after i got 2d ban. Still goes with no problems lol.
    1 point
  21. Not really possible considering feedback is given through posting on a thread. If a staff member takes bad feedback out on the community, then obliviously they aren't suitable for the position. I think the staff team in general does a good job in keeping their personal feelings out of situations that require an unbiased mindset.
    1 point
  22. Instead of making a thread, report it:
    1 point
  23. This is a helpful class I made for tracking items gained, as well as loading their value from Zybez. To create a new PricedItem, simply use: new PricedItem(String name, Client c) or new PricedItem(String name, int id, Client c) . I create an array of these objects for all the items I want to track. Then to track the items you've gained simply call the .update(Client c) method on each of the PricedItems. Finally, you can use .getAmount() to get the total items gained, and getValue() to get the value of all items gained. import org.osbot.script.rs2.Client; public class PricedItem { private String name; private int lastCount = 0; private int amount = 0; private int price = 0; private int id = 0; public PricedItem(String name, Client c){ this.name = name; if(c.getInventory().contains(name)) lastCount = (int) c.getInventory().getAmount(name); if(name.contains("Clue scroll")||name.contains("Looting") ) price = 25000; else if(name.contains("Tooth") ||name.contains("Loop")){ int indexOf = name.indexOf("of")+2; String zybezKey = name.substring(0, indexOf).concat(" a key"); price = PriceGrab.getInstance().getPrice(zybezKey, 2); } else if(name.contains("arrow")){ price = PriceGrab.getInstance().getPrice(name+"s", 2); } else{ price = PriceGrab.getInstance().getPrice(name, 2); } } public PricedItem(String name, int id , Client c){ this.name = name; this.setId(id); if(c.getInventory().contains(id)) lastCount = (int) c.getInventory().getAmount(id); if(name.contains("Clue scroll")||name.contains("Tooth")) price = 100000; else{ price = PriceGrab.getInstance().getPrice(name, 2); } } public void update(Client c){ if(!c.getBank().isOpen()){ int increase = 0; if(id==0) increase = (int) (c.getInventory().getAmount(name)- lastCount); else increase = (int) (c.getInventory().getAmount(id)- lastCount); if(increase < 0) increase = 0; amount = amount + increase; } if(id==0) lastCount = (int) c.getInventory().getAmount(name); else lastCount = (int) c.getInventory().getAmount(id); } public String getName(){ return name; } public int getAmount(){ return amount; } public int getPrice(){ return price; } public int getValue(){ return amount * price; } public int getId() { return id; } public void setId(int id) { this.id = id; } } You'll need this as well, used to grab prices from Zyb (This class was created by:@Boots): package def.api; import java.io.*; import java.net.*; public class PriceGrab { private static PriceGrab oneInstance; private URL zybez; private URLConnection urlConnection; private BufferedReader inputScan; private final String zybezUrl = "http://forums.zybez.net/runescape-2007-prices/api/item/"; public static PriceGrab getInstance(){ if(oneInstance == null){ oneInstance = new PriceGrab(); } return oneInstance; } public int getPrice(String itemName, int command){ final String AVERAGE = "average",LOW= "recent_high", HIGH="recent_low"; String item = format(itemName),extracted; int price = 0; openStream(item); extracted = retrieveData(item); switch (command){ case 1: return parseInfo(extracted,LOW); case 2: return parseInfo(extracted,AVERAGE); case 3: return parseInfo(extracted,HIGH); } return price; } private String format(final String string){ if(string.contains(" ")) return string.replaceAll(" ", "+"); else return string; } private void openStream(final String param){ String appended = zybezUrl.concat(param); try { zybez = new URL(appended); urlConnection = zybez.openConnection(); urlConnection.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.11 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/23.0.1271.95 Safari/537.11"); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { System.out.println("Web address formatted incorrectly, printing stack trace"); e.printStackTrace(); } catch(IOException exception) { System.out.println("Url connection has thrown an IOException, printing stack trace"); exception.printStackTrace(); } } private String retrieveData(final String param){ String output = null; try { openStream(param); inputScan = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(urlConnection.getInputStream())); output = inputScan.readLine(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { try {inputScan.close();} catch (IOException e){e.printStackTrace();} } return output; } private int parseInfo(String extracted,String value){ int start, end, price = 0; if(extracted.contains(value)){ start = extracted.indexOf(value); end = extracted.indexOf(",",start); price = Integer.parseInt(extracted.substring(start, end).replaceFirst(".*?(\\d+).*", "$1")); } else System.out.println("Could not retrieve price"); return price; } }
    1 point
  24. i think it was Bootsya it is http://osbot.org/forum/topic/21362-zybez-price-retriever/
    1 point
  25. ^^^^ and there's nothing to talk about now a days besides this ridiculous ban rate
    1 point
  26. and buying and selling on osbot keeps the community alive and healthy. It's cheaper as well!
    1 point
  27. If it matters that much to you I'll mention that my timezone is GMT+1 next time.
    1 point
  28. if (client.getCurrentWorld() == 385 || client.getCurrentWorld() == 386) { log("We're on bot world oO"); hopWorld(); }
    1 point
  29. That layout is a template but regardless good luck with your stuff.
    1 point
  30. ooh this is a pretty good price for what youre offering, gz to who ever gets it
    1 point
  31. I've gotta say, SSF must have one of the best Advertising Campaigns on OSBot. Goodluck with this once again.
    1 point
  32. Heyo, I've decided to finally post my farewell, now that things have calmed down. There's not much to say, I also don't really feel like posting my side of the story, there's just one thing I want to share and that is that I wasn't (and still am not) part of the other bot's administrative team, however, I did got asked to develop their new SDN and I did accept that job. So no, I wasn't a 'spy' as many of you thought, it was an one-time job. Anyways, enough of that, I'm not here for forgiveness (nor to safe my alias) but to post my farewell. If there's one thing that I could change, then I would have resigned before all of this could even happen. Why? I realized, a few weeks after my promotion to administrator, that I couldn't hold the job for long. The motivation and drive I used to have last summer for community management was (and still is) gone. That's why most of you only saw me doing the SDN upload requests, I barely did anything else. I felt bad for @Maldesto, my position was meant to take some load of his shoulders, and I don't think that he could ever feel that in the time that I was an administrator again. I noticed this myself as well. That's why I started to guide the person some more that did (and still does) deserve my position, @Smart. I teached him how the OSBot SDN works, and I would help him with any ACP problems. I notified Smart that I was going to resign soon and that I wanted him to replace me, about a few days before I got demoted (several people can confirm this). My demote ruined his chances, the developers are more strict with @Maldesto now and they don't want him to promote a second admin on this moment. So yep, if I could change one thing then I would have resigned earlier so that you guys could have probably had @Smart as second community manager now on this very moment. Anyways, enough of that as well. Now my actual farewell. I've decided to really move on with life, I've had a great time here, especially last summer. OSBot was a really big part of my life and I'm thankful that I was ever given the opertunity to join the OSBot staff team, it was a great experience and it has really changed me as a person. I've had alot of fun here and I've met alot of great people. It's time for me to let this all go, I've spent alot of time on the computer past years, especially in 2013. It's time to focus on my IRL and to follow my dreams. My biggest dream ever is to be a pilot and I'm really going to spent most of my time now to study and follow this dream. I'm currently following computer science and I'm going to do Flight Training right after my IT graduation. It's a really hard training and a really expensive study so I have a long path ahead. But I'm going to do this ;D I wish you all the best of luck in life and in the Runescape botting scene. Thanks for reading and farewell! Special thanks to: for ever giving me a chance, I would have missed this whole experience without you. @Maldesto for giving me another shot, and I'm really sorry that I've damaged your trust. I wish you the best of luck with OSBot. @Smart simply because I love him @Catastrophe for the great times, and I will definately check your facebook every now and then because you really make me laugh. @Anne also for the great time here at OSBot, and I will definately stay in touch with you @Mikasa for still being loyal and awesome @Alek I know you hate me, but stay awesome man, OSBot needs you The rest of the staff team, goodluck guys & alot of other people, I can really make a list of ~100 people but I'll keep it at this for now. Goodbye, Raflesia.
    1 point
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