Thanks for asking
For me its justified for a few reasons
I don't know were that Info is stored (I know there is ItemDefinition) but I don't know how to get a id->ItemDefinition.
For speed if there was a map of id->ItemDefinition yea its fast but this is an array and they are always "O(1)" Access
Waste of memery (look in ItemInfo.kt they are boolen and char arrays the H2,FEET,WEAPON items are not ues in this porgram are not expleitly used but all that info is in the object called 'test' thats a char array)
its only 3.5kb (in c no idea for java and its overhead) so each stackable,notable,noteable if make them BooleanArray as I do.
The equipment slots can be golfed into an array of chars length 15000 or about 16 kilobytes (in c at) (I have it set up for non golfed at about 30000 chars 32kb )
So the total space those files take in memoery is less then 50kb or the same.
I don't know what your looking at or thinking (not a mind reader). This solves a search space in this cace the search space is taking items out of the bank to meet some goal. If you ran it you would say holy memery use because the defalt problem in Main for me at least can take like 1 gig of memory to sovle the space [but that is an extreme] you can break it down into 5-7 chucks to save memory that java likes to hold on to.
I make a video of what it does.
At the moment Im working on a off client prossors that will hopefull bring down the memeory uses of my dumb just for fun progects....