Post whatever you want
Annouce Winner 17-03 nuuuubs
I am Using ( thanks to arctic<3 )
WINNER Post 24!!
qw3 Please add my skype to claim your price,
Next month there will be another Give aways
No longer works past what ever update introduced the memory loader. 1.8?
Short and sweet.
Look at the image in the link.
Then see the virus scan/text below that link.
Just click me for the image
Gmail account
.Net 4.5
Click me!
If you would like to try the program out, post on this thread.
Any feedback is GREATLY appreciated because I like to know how it is going.
These messages have problems sending to UK numbers.
Some of you are better off just sending to a normal e-mail linked to the phone.
I got this.
Why do I got this? Because today is my lucky day.
I got OSD.
I sold two vouchers.
I sold the gp I made from the two vouchers.
For me, sounds like a good fucking day.
Nice tutorial, Enums were a bit tricky for me to grasp when I was learning a few years ago. I don't blame anyone, they are a bit confusing at first.
You might want to explain why you would use Enums, for example the Skill Enum in the API, use that as an example.
I was a riven main season 2, lol.
They've messed with her kit so many times I just can't even play her anymore though, I either go 20/0 or 0/20 it's really funny, lol.
Tbh who ever asks to buy items in chat ... mostly are quest kits or very small things.
Yes maybe make the rule not to spam it .... like spamming selling nats ect ect over and over again ^_^ .