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OSBot 2.4.63-5 - Summer Cleanup + More Commands


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Whats up with webwalking? Just started up my script and it only stood there for 10 minutes trying to webwalk without any result and got disconected. (From catherby bank to new Area(new Position(2207,3057,0),new Position(2213,3056,0))). I guess usualy the first webwalk always takes more time, but this seems too much (although ill try to let it wait for a longer time now).


Edit: tried second time for 16 minutes, and i dont want to go further, since it only logs out and in repeatedly after every dc.

Edited by anderiel
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Whats up with webwalking? Just started up my script and it only stood there for 10 minutes trying to webwalk without any result and got disconected. (From catherby bank to new Area(new Position(2207,3057,0),new Position(2213,3056,0))). I guess usualy the first webwalk always takes more time, but this seems too much (although ill try to let it wait for a longer time now).


Edit: tried second time for 16 minutes, and i dont want to go further, since it only logs out and in repeatedly after every dc.


Ask the script writer for help. If you're writing the script then perform proper debugging.

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Ask the script writer for help. If you're writing the script then perform proper debugging.

Define proper debugging?


Not sure what else can i tell you, or what would you need to know. I'm not using custom webwalk event, i am just using walking.webWalk, like this :

            state = States.Fighting;

where targetArea is the area from previous post.

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Alek was the dialogue api changed in the new dev builds? Seems that inDialogue() is returning true even if not in dialogue anymore :/

It was, I already wrote a bug report on it like 4 hours after the release. It always returns true.

public boolean inDialogue() {
    return widgets.isVisible(231, 2) || widgets.isVisible(217, 3) || widgets.isVisible(219, 0, 0) ||   dialogues.isPendingContinuation() || dialogues.isPendingOption();

That should work until it's fixed.


PS: the actual problem is completeDialogue() which calls inDialogue(). There's a while(inDialogue()) in there, the bot will be stuck forever if you call this.

Edited by Token
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some of my scripts aren't working after update.




Stealth Quester stopping working using this update.

Can someone confirm this?

The bot doing very well before update and now i cant using stealth quester =/


[iNFO][06/09 09:31:07 PM]: Started script : Stealth Quester
[ERROR][bot #1][06/09 09:31:07 PM]: Error in bot executor!
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.osbot.rs07.event.WebWalkEvent.prefetchRequirements(Lorg/osbot/rs07/script/MethodProvider;)Lorg/osbot/lpt2;
at api.LPt8.a(hd:171)
at e.Con.m(ic:30)
at api.coN.a(rc:106)
at c.cOn.onLoop(kc:550)
at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(do:292)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)




As you can see there have been alot of changes to the client. It's very hard for scripters to fix everything the instant the client is released! The scripters are i'm sure aware, give 'em time and they'll fix it :)

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