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Perfect Fighter AIO


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thanks for all the support everyone :)


As for script release, I was given 1 week deadline and the day will be on the 21st, but I think it will be released sooner hopefully :o


In the meantime I will still be adding updates and new features :D


Here is the new interface for banking, notice the new 'Teleport' options




So in this profile the bot will be fighting white knights near burthorpe, the bot will tele to castle wars using duel ring for banking, and will use games necklace to tele burthorpe to come back. I will be testing this out with wyverns and green dragons soon ^^ :D


(white knights at burthorpe is a bad fighting place, I am just testing the script in the worst/most complex areas to make sure everything will be flawless)

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Does this support unicows, fairyrings, and tool leprechaun loot noting?


Also I'd love a free trial when this releases.


Unicows is next on the list, fairy rings are already included but I need to add a setup interface for them. 


As for tool leprachaun, which items can it note? I will add a feature for that ASAP :D


@Fused the script will be 9.99, I will try to lower it to 7.99 (market rules = can't undercut existing scripts) :(

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Blocked permission: ("java.io.FilePermission" "/Users/myname" "read")

[INFO][Bot #1][05/21 10:47:26 PM]: Terminating script Perfect Fighter <<...

[INFO][Bot #1][05/21 10:47:26 PM]: Script Perfect Fighter << has exited!

[INFO][05/21 10:47:26 PM]: Started script : Perfect Fighter <<

Edited by Eagle Scripts
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Make sure the fight profiles are in the Users/OSBot/Data/ folder otherwise the osbot security manager will block it, or how did that error happen?

Haven't made any fight profiles yet, was the first time launching it on my mac, gave that error and keeps doing so because i cannot make one if it doesn't properly launch.

Edited by Eagle Scripts
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