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Daily reminder that guthans doesn't work:

- Equip parameters are applied when you lose >1hp from your maximum. 
- If not enough inventory space, spam clicks equip spear filling the chatbox with not enough inventory space. 
- logger just spams equip guthans...

Again, if you have no idea how to fix this then don't advertise guthans when selling the script, its a straight scam what youre doing now.

I've told you these issues for a long time now, my disappointment in this script is at a maximum. I don't mean to be rude, you actively reply, but how come the issues never get fixed? i feel like i'm giving ample time to implement the changes and on my end, i don't see any fixes done? 

If anything it just gets progressively worse, like cannon mode now doesn't drink range pots like before? Where is the consistency? :/

Edited by Ginkod
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  On 6/13/2017 at 1:53 PM, bornhackerx said:

yeah i got this to fight cows. it just goes to the bank and stops. whats up?


Had the same problem, change bank condition to full loot then it works.

Edit: Nvm when i kill goblins and inventory is full it walks to the bank and opens it then does nothing, anyone know how to fix this?

Edited by Takaii
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@Ginkod stop being rude, it's not helping whatsoever; only making things worse. Nowhere on the main thread did I advertise the script supports guthans - again if you check the main thread there is NO mention of the word guthan, not even on the thread graphic. The option is only there because I'm trying to be nice and I want every user to enjoy the script and I want to listen to all user suggestions.

Now that's over with, the issues do get fixed, there have been improvements since you first started complaining about guthans, it's just really difficult to test guthans without having guthans on my account to test with. :s I have to test with different conditions (different armor, different npcs, different script setup) that is why it's taking longer than usual. If you ever bothered to fill out a bug report template and signify your exact script setup so I can use the same setup, test, improve where possible, it will make everything faster.

I tested on guards but I didn't test with a full inventory, noted - I will fix the full inventory issue with equipping guthans. As for equipping after losing 1hp from maximum, noted. Logger spamming equip guthans, will test for that, should be an easy fix. Stay tuned and try not to be rude ^^ :D

@geoffrey456 Hmm if the script is crashing other people's crabs make sure to select the lowest aggression setting so the script will only attack your crabs and avoid other crabs, which setting did you enable? The default ones are fine, confirm please. Also which exact tile (screenshot) for stronghold flesh crawlers? 

@Takaii if the script is staying in bank doing nothing make sure to clear the bank loadout and only set the looting table to cowhide or w/e. Did you add any items to withdraw from the bank? Or did you leave it empty? It should be empty if you're not withdrawing anything, and the banking list should not include any looting items

@guywithlsd wyvern support has improved although I still need to add the upper floor support, as for gargoyles almost there I'm 72 slayer right now, although I think I can code it without having the requirements at all since the functionality is the same as lower level slayer npcs such as the rockslugs. I will roll out a feature for this for v200 of the script today.

@nogearplayer activating prayer with 0 points bug - should be fixed in upcoming version.

@muffinrecon fight alongside cannon mode will be tested + fixed in the upcoming version, including bone looting during cannoning. I recently rewrote the entire cannoning, special attacks, looting, guthans, eating systems so I need to make some changes ASAP.

As for combat potions being consumed too early, there should be a new panel on the misc tab in the upcoming version which lets you select the range of consuming potions

Also the plugins for the fighter script are at the top of the interface ('File menu', 'Plugins', 'Help') ^^ :D

Edited by Czar
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