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So the first couple of accounts I used this script on got banned within five days, but that seems to have been because I had those accounts banking loot. This third account is already at lvl 45, and I haven't been banking loot, just burying bones. It's now past the 18 hr mark, and I'm considering starting banking again, although I'm a little nervous I'll get banned once I start banking loot. 

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Well, the only way the script can attack the wrong npc is either fightzone, incorrect npc name (highly unlikely) and retaliating to aggressive npcs which are not selected in the fight list. I thought it was the retaliating one, you should've made it clearer, I guess it's the fightzone one and I will be testing + adding an update asap. If it is the retaliating one I offered help (enabling an option in the misc tab), you don't need to be rude, my go-to response is there to eliminate user error before it goes into testing->coding ^^ :D

Move cursor out of screen, hmm I thought you meant non-plugin, I will patch it for plugins I guess, update coming up

For BBD plugin, I am just going to make a similar system to the global fighter script and let the user choose when to bank I guess, there's too many variables involved to let the script decide

As for cannon, testing + update coming up 

Shayzien bank -> added in upcoming update

GDK -> Will be re-enabled in the upcoming update, had to temporarily disable it for construction, it should only be offline until I post the new update today :D 


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34 minutes ago, Vardyn said:

Works like charm !  Is there any possibility to make it do slayer ? 

get a task. Grab a cannon. go to npc. Build cannon. Stand on cannon. Run script. Select options. Select task - stop after slayer task.

Select optiosn etc. run. Don't leave your account, becasue it my end up with death after stopping script when task is done. Will NOT loot cannon, bank. Might bug out but does the job most of times. 

Btw. Select, fight along cannon. And with f7 select fight zone around cannon so you don't run around like crazy attacking far enemys if you camp in big area. 

when you stop script, reload client becasue after that it will most likely wount loot any more.

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16 minutes ago, guywithlsd said:

get a task. Grab a cannon. go to npc. Build cannon. Stand on cannon. Run script. Select options. Select task - stop after slayer task.

Select optiosn etc. run. Don't leave your account, becasue it my end up with death after stopping script when task is done. Will NOT loot cannon, bank. Might bug out but does the job most of times. 

Btw. Select, fight along cannon. And with f7 select fight zone around cannon so you don't run around like crazy attacking far enemys if you camp in big area. 

when you stop script, reload client becasue after that it will most likely wount loot any more.

Thanks alot <3 

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1 hour ago, muffinrecon said:

Fight alongside cannon is not working at all. Any ideas??? Its also not even looting bones when the fight alongside cannon option is enabled.

I'm trying to train melee stats while cannon helps kill. let me know. thanks

Try un-check fight along cannon option. And instead, select Fight zone with F7. And mark square around cannon of 5x5 tiles. 

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