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Hello! I liked your thread and I'm hoping to try out the bot via a trial.  I had a few questions about the possible settings.  I want to use this to AFK 3 sandcrab spawns.


Can you set the mouse to move off screen?  Like it drags away after clicking as if you're working on something else on the desktop. < Huge buying point

Can you set the camera move time and random clicks  to high random variables like 2 minute to 30 minutes?

Does the bot always eat once the percentage of health set is gone?  Or can it eat eat at like 30%-60%

How random is the refresh rate and can it be for 3+ minutes?


Pretty much I want this bot to act 100% like I do as I'm afking a 3 crab spot.  The camera might stay in the same place for hours.  I only click to move to refresh crabs.  The eating is random but always above 20%.  I don't pickup loot.  The mouse MOVES OFF the screen.  The refresh might be instant or could take a couple minutes. 


Thanks for your help!

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Hmm, there are some improved suggestions for the sand crab script, I will be adding a new tab to the setup interface to allow more customizable options. Starting from the next update, both rock/sand crabs will have these extra options:

- Move mouse outside screen (converted from the non-plugin version of the script)
- Choose refresh tile(s) for where to go when refreshing aggro
- Added variable health chooser (converted ^^)
- Added crab refresh rate timer input - you can now choose when to refresh the aggro
- I may add the random camera movement and clicks, but those two are in the zone of pseudo-antiban as opposed to real anti-ban/anti-pattern, if used incorrectly they can cause more harm than good.

Also, for camera, it's easy I can just add a randomized chooser and a trigger, but for mouse clicks? Where should the bot click?

Aside from that, the last update already has a pending update: hop worlds if your tile gets crashed (should be in v187)

I will activate your trial as soon as these features are coded, I have been focusing a lot more on plugins recently (mostly all, gdk, bbd and the crabs) so some of these features were already on my To-Do list).


Also guys, the next update will have a separate plugin for cannoning now, there are many new features and options added, I re-wrote the entire cannon system and it is flawless in the upcoming version :)

Edited by Czar
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Hmm the script has quickprayer support with prayer potion drinking, but for elder chaos druids it'd be best to add a custom plugin for that, I will most likely add a plugin for that either in the upcoming v188 update or an update after that (depending on if I can test the script at elder chaos druids). I will activate a free 24hr trial once I add that plugin :D 

As for equipping spec, yep I recently added an update for it (currently pending, v187) should be live today automatically. The script will avoid setting secondary spec weapons (including ranged) completely ^^ :D (if specs are not enabled, that is.)

As for withdrawing 8 pieces of food, inventory layout? Which items, npcs, banking settings, gui settings so I can test with the same exact options and debug for the upcoming update. It may be misconfiguration, have you configured it properly? If the bank doesn't have the food and the amount of food required, then it may be unstable, make sure to have the items in bank ^^ :D 

As for GDK, will test ASAP. Expect an update today :) 

Guys there is a pending update (v187) which will be live today, changelog was posted a few posts back.

Cannon is also perfected: (v187), with a new menu:


Menu is hidden until cannon mode is enabled:



Couldn't think of anything else to add to the cannon menu, hopefully there are some nice suggestions :D 


Edited by Czar
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I made sure to click I am running a mac on the first screen. 
Then, it works just fine - use FN button with f7 to pick fight space and start script. Nothing out of ordinary TBH

Thanks for an awesome script. 
Any suggestions on great training spots? I am lvl 75


Do you have a Signature?

Edited by elitesocial
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Think some1 may have mentioned this, but the GDK doesn't seem to be working.

My setup:

  1. Games necklace to corp
  2. banking: when invoty is full, no food
  3. ring of dueling to clan wars
  4. kill dragons at north (which I would expect to be the dragons north of the graveyard in lvl 23 wildy, but it runs to east drags)
  5. death walk = on
  6. inventory: 20 lobsters, 1 combat potion
  7. resupply at edgeville
  8. Special attack = on (its on but I havent seen it use any special attacks)
  9. Equipment: rune chain, rune platelegs, adamant full helm, dragon dagger, anti-fire shield.

bugs i'm seeing:

  1. When it teleports to Corp it just sits in the corp room, if i manually click on the exit then it continues on.
  2. When attacking a dragon and it eats, it tries to attack a different dragon immediately after eating.
  3. when banking:
    1. Tries to withdraw new items before depositing loot.
    2. After it withdraws items, it doesn't close bank tab and move on.


Really appreciate and am enjoying the script! just trying to provide helpful feedback for you :)

Edited by drewb4
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Ah thank you for the clear bug report, expect a very fast update today, I really appreciate it :D (updates are much much faster with clear bug reports and clear instructions, that's why :) )

Signature/Highscores system is coming soon I still need to code some extra features e.g. 'OnKillTrigger', 'OnLootTrigger' etc etc to display how many npcs have been killed, to count which loot items, profit made. Then there will be leaderboards and eventually prizes once the entire system is flawless :D (ofc it will be optional to enable signatures)

Edited by Czar
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