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Perfect Fighter AIO


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For banking, is the tuna the only item in the inventory loadout? Make sure there are no other items such as arrows or any items which are not available in the bank. If the script cycles the bank it means it couldn't find the item, try a client restart and make sure the inventory loadout is configured properly. ^^ :D

As for cannon, yes the script supports cannon I recently added an update for more prioritized cannon repairing too, activated 24 hr trial good luck :D

As for edgeville men, I will add a quick anti-fail update so the script knows how to return back to the npc if the script accidentally goes up :D Update coming up shortly.

EDIT: In the meantime (for edgeville), try the second walking-option in the initial setup interface

Activated all trials and thanks everyone for the feedback and support :)

Edited by Czar
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Hmm prayer flick uses quickprayer to flick the prayers, set quickprayer to protect magic and then start the script, after 3-4 attacks the script will time the npc's attack, figure out an average and then always delay the quickprayer prayer flick, e.g.

average speed for normal npc = 2.4 seconds or 4 game ticks, after a hit is received by the npc the script will wait 3.5 ticks, then double click quickprayer button and then repeat. I haven't tested quickprayer on infernal mages though and will focus more on slayer in the coming versions. ^^ :D

^ That includes nechyraels and various other slayer npcs. The script still doesn't support some slayer npcs such as nechyraels but I am definitely working on it, including wyverns too. :D

As for sand crabs and breaks in general, already finished coding breaks handler, next update coming up very soon in either the next post or will edit this post with new changelog. :D

Edited by Czar
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Rock Crabs issues:

Randomly walks south then will run back and forth (walk 1)

When it goes to fight a rock crab it clicks on the map then clicks next to the rock crab (bot-like)

Then when there is clearly a rock crab in the screen it will still click on the map next to the rock crab instead of just clicking next to the rock crab. super bot-like

Chaos Druids it has trouble getting to both in Edgeville and in Taverly

Edited by master0537
more issues
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Competition announcement!! (Read the end of this post!)

New Update (v181)

- Added minimap-walk mode and non-minimap-walk mode for crab plugins (both plugins)
- Fixed some walking issues
- Added 'only return combat to my npcs' option - this will not attempt to fight non-selected npcs, e.g. if selecting chaos druids, and a thug attacks you, the script will ignore the thug and continue going to chaos druids rather than just fighting thugs and returning their aggressive combat all the time
- Added setup options for breaks handing, you can now choose where to go before the breaks system triggers
- Added 'import save configuration from text' option in the file menu (near the save menu, plugins menu, etc.)

This update is technically the 'update before the update' and just involved quick tweaks and fixes. Another update coming soon involving some more feature additions and changes, mainly regarding some slayer npcs and GDK plugin (more anti-death and deathwalk settings). :D 

As for chaos druids, I just tested them in edgeville, it works perfectly, I added 'Chaos druid' to the setup interface (by typing the name, not from nearby) and the script walked there successfully. If there is an error please fill out the bug report. Usually bug reports are only required if I test the script to find a bug and there's no bugs (chaos druids above). Which settings, what was the actual bug, how did you make the bug happen, etc etc. The main bug report template is on the main thread at the bottom. :D 

Proof that it works: (Started from edgeville bank)





I will also be running a competition very soon, there will be 3 prizes of 50M rsgp each. (note: not set in stone, may end up being 100m, 50m, 25m or something different). The competition will involve successfully pking (and defeating) the anti-pk system in the GDK. More details coming very soon. :D 



Edited by Czar
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