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United States Elections


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I don't care much for any of the candidates, so I won't be voting this time.


That being said, how the hell is Trump taken seriously? This guy is an absolute racist pig. I truly don't understand why anyone is enabling him by acknowledging him.


Hilary is just so obviously fake - every word coming out of her mouth is a politically advantageous lie.


Bernie, ehhhhh, I'd like to say he's the lesser of two evils. He's quite progressive and has good plans for medical care. His plans to raise the minimum wage are good, too, however, you can't just raise the minimum wage and expect it to fix everything.

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Shows how broken america is if this is the selection we have... how can a dude who just has lots of cash be a serious candidate for presidency ?


Trump would be terrible... and I say this as someone who isn't from the USA...


being the president of the USA is essentially being the president of the world... You have the power to start WW3, and that is just what Trump will do...


Just putting it out there, but people sided with Hitler at the start, who made similar irrational comments before his rule to what trump has said so far.


ANYONE would be better than trump... seriously

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