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Molly's Chaos Druids


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your script using 20% of my CPU and nearing 800mb of ram after running it a lil over an hour and I'm expecting it to crash soon, any clue as to why your script is using so much CPU for a simple druid killer? also it is constantly fluctuating now to 25-30% CPU usage.  


as I've said it crashes after an hour









rest of the cmd prompt/log and the errors






Edited by Gh0st
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hello, can i have a trial please? also, does it work without food?

edit: does it use the log shortcut when in ardy?


I'm pretty sure it would use the shortcut unless you don't have the agility level it would go around it 




Molly can you please respond and start working on fixing this script as it crashes completely after 1 hour

I'll run it some more and see if I can replicate the issue, if you open the logger prior to starting the script and get a chance to screenshot it if it does this again that would be great.


I've posted logs for you.

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Those logs indicate the bot is not being allocated enough memory. An out of memory error is being thrown by java.



What are you doing that is requiring that much resources? lol



EDIT: Have you seen if you have a leak somewhere? Or possibly need to start caching more things? Or even look into GC dumping.

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Those logs indicate the bot is not being allocated enough memory. An out of memory error is being thrown by java.


My computer has 16gb of ram.



As your script runs the CPU usage goes up every single minute ultimately reaching 30%+ CPU usage and then crashes after one hour. Same goes for the RAM. The RAM reaches 700mb+ before it crashes etc. 

A druid script should not be using up this many resources, so like @ProjectPact above has mentioned you have a leak or somewhere or something along the lines of that.

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Okay so what I have found so far is that this somehow seems to be related to walking. If I start the bot at the druids already it will sit there and fight, loot, etc and will hover around 5-7% of my CPU and around 380-410MB of RAM. However, as soon as the bot needs to bank the CPU usage shoots up randomly during walking, it does fall back down for me, what does not come back down is the amount of RAM being used, it stays between 660-700MB even after walking has finished. I'm trying to see what I can do about this, for walking I simply use the web walker, I'm not sure exactly why all the memory it apparently uses stays being used after it finishes walking.


Edit: I also found other uses describing a similar problem, one user even indicates it occurs during web walking: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/102753-scripts-cause-insane-freezing/#entry1148726


Edit x2: Also trying a private script of mine that is a simple gathering script, I'm doing this because there is far less code to sort through in the script, actually there is very little. I am experiencing the same issue when the script uses web walking.

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I just tried running a test script that simply executes this command once:




and then just stands around once it reaches destination, one would think the memory usage would drop back to around my normal of 380-410MB, however it does not, it stays around 660-700MB. The issue appears to be web walking related. I'll be posting a topic to get some input from other scripters and then reporting it as a bug if I am not simply overlooking something.


Edit: The CPU usage issue you experience doesn't seem to occur for me, I'll get spikes to 20% sometimes during combat, usually when attempting to loot or search for a new target, perhaps that is something I can remedy, but that would not be causing the memory leak issue. My CPU usage always drops back down as well, it's simply a spike. The 80% usage you see when the client freezes could be caused by the bot continually trying to do something that requires memory, which it does not have available, causing the CPU to spike. That would be my guess at this point.

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Issues are still occuring for me Molly, i even increased the ram allocated as others have suggested but all that does allows me to run for longer than 1 hour, i can't get past 6-7 hours without it crashing now, and it's using 900mb-1.1gb of ram




Judging by the posts in the bug section this is not something related to my script, other user's are experiencing this with other scripts as well and have reported the issue. I wish there was something I could do about it, but if it's web walking related, there is not.  If this issue doesn't get addressed soon, or at least acknowledged, I'll write a custom walker for the time being.

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