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Is mirror client absolutely necessary to gold farm?


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I don't doubt its usefulness but the fact just is my computer cannot run mirror client.
Every time I try even one instance of it my computer gets really slow, and the game freezes.

I really want to gold farm, and as it is I can't really do anything with the mirror client. Sure the bots might get banned easier without the protection of mirror client but at least then I can actually bot.

I am not sure if anyone else is dealing with the same thing. On the bright side now, I can bot with proxies too and ensure my main won't get hurt in the event of an IP ban =).


How does everyone else feel on this matter about computer efficiency vs. botting safety?

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Months back I switched my farm over to mirror mode. About 2 weeks ago I switched everything back over to injection and I've had 2 bans since.


Mirror mode uses up too much CPU, it's buggy and the lack of support it gets for being osbots "next step to preventing bans" is very little.


When mirror first came out, as a test I wanted to bot an account at the range guild just to see how far it would get. It ended up getting to 99 range from 40 and I was very surprised. Mirror mode at the start proved to help reduce bans drastically but I think the only reason for this was because of how mirror changed the mouse movements. I heard a few people saying mirror only worked because of the "delays" which I'm assuming was the input delay from the client you were mirroring onto the mirror client. Since the mouse patterns weren't the same, botwatch needed time to update its heuristics to catch the new movements from scripts running via mirror. Now that mirror mode has been out for many months, Jagex's systems have had plenty of time to update botwatch to be able to account for this which is why mirror isn't that effective anymore. I don't think the "mirror" aspect has anything to do with bans. I wouldn't doubt 95% of bans are related to mouse clicks and movements. There are ways to go completely under the radar and it has nothing to do with "mirroring" your client.


But take everything I said with a grain of salt. I do not script or program at all and this is all based of experience.

Edited by irwtonrs1
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It's hard to tell, really. AFAIK, it's extremely hard (if not impossible) to detect injection bots via Java (especially since the applet would be loaded normally if I'm correct). However, I am not properly versed with the JVM like some people on this forum (cough cough @fixthissite).

If you're going to gold farm on a large scale, don't bother with mirror.

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