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lost 7 accounts in 1 day....


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whats going on here, i keep losing accounts whilst getting to 60+ woodcutting on willows.... dosen't matter which willows, even at rimmington where there is no1... the ones that are already at yews are fine... why is this happening?

Those 7 accounts took alot of time, they were all so close to going to yews and having GE ban removed.... This is disheartening, i put alot of effort and excitement into starting this gold farm

Edited by bishopbot
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Can't use a mirror, well i have't tried but apparently it uses more cpu then normal, and to get the 500+k profit per hour i needed 7 clients running, i do have a i5-4670k @ 4.6ghz tho... so i should be able to do it, no i didn't use different ip's and have no idea how you'd do this... surely they werent ip flagged if they were making it to yews (70+woodcutting)? 

All the yew accounts are now banned, total 10 accounts in less then 36 hours....

Edited by bishopbot
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so is it as simple as the guide i read on here? just change my ip through a VPN and go at it again? or is this bound to happen again? im curous as to how to assign all different ip's to the clients... that would be ideal


Changing IP only won't give you any further immunity against bans. Using premium scripts, mirror client should reduce the risk of ban. Nothing grants you immunity, only a jump start of extended countdown until you'll get caught again(if you're being greedy about it)

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yeah i understand alot more now guys thankyou, annd yes actually at very low mining level (65) i was gettng 150+ yew's per hour, combined with the fact they sell easily for 500gp each, i was above my 500k per hour mark... if i the rest of my accounts would have made it to 60  that is sleep.png

You can fucking buy bonds in 07scape now? like FUCK i lost 5m during this last 36 hours... i coulda bought a bond,

well whats something better then cutting yews / magics then, now that i can actually be a member without paying....

Edited by bishopbot
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