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Nice script mate, good to see more scripters for this SDN! But 1 question, how do you know that it 'Bypasses Jagex's camera bot trap'?


Every few seconds, the camera slightly turns automatically, it's veryyyy subtle and it's a way to catch bots. My script avoids falling into the trap and re-aligns every time it needs to.

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Thanks guys :)


Question: Would you like to see a button which tells the script to exchange tickets? Or automatically exchange when out of money? 


+ Also would you like support for selling the arrows (using tabs to tele to varrock and cammy) because I can add it but, I just need to know if people actually want it.

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Pushed update 3.2. Fixed alot of previously untested bugs.


- Menu detection improved

- Positioning fixed, shouldn't keep 'walking to position.1 '

- Buying arrows updated

Still broken and spam clicks trying to move outside the minigame over and over. Won't even complete or start one game. Still trying to "Walking to position 1"

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