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APA AIO Cooker


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  On 11/6/2017 at 11:02 PM, BombsAway said:

Hey @Apaec Great script man, Any chance you could make it so that when finished cooking in Edgeville stove the bot opens the fence on the way to the bank? It currently walks all around the building where the stove it.


Cheers for getting in touch; there's not an easy solution for this unfortunately. The script uses the built-in obstacle handling which is normally reliable, but perhaps not in this sense. The distance is more or less equal though so hopefully it shouldn't be too much of a problem! I will take another look none-the-less and see if there is anything I can improve on in the handling of the movement for edge.


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  On 11/7/2017 at 4:18 PM, Apaec said:

Cheers for getting in touch; there's not an easy solution for this unfortunately. The script uses the built-in obstacle handling which is normally reliable, but perhaps not in this sense. The distance is more or less equal though so hopefully it shouldn't be too much of a problem! I will take another look none-the-less and see if there is anything I can improve on in the handling of the movement for edge.



Thank you for your time @Apaec, Sounds great! The only reason I say this is because I was using Macro Cooker for a little while before purchasing your awesome script and thats how that specific script did it and when I play by hand I tend to open the gate... not that it matters! Thank you anyways, the script is nothing but flawless.

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  On 11/19/2017 at 11:16 PM, pooper12 said:

out of interest, can this script mass- make pies, and then cook them, im on my iron man and i have 1k ingredients for summer pies, can it make the raw version, and then i run the script, and actually cooks it again? or will it straight away cook it?



The script doesn't support specialty cooking techniques e.g combining ingredients to make pies or pizzas. It should however be able to cook raw pies into cooked pies on a stove.

Actually, I just checked - it currently isn't in the list of foods to cook, but it is something that I can add quite easily. I will do that for you hopefully tomorrow!


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  On 11/20/2017 at 7:50 AM, pooper12 said:

hmm im not going to manually make 1k raw summer pies, how much would it cost me for a private script for you to make? ill msg u now


Unfortunately I don't do private scripts, however I can leave you with the subforum for these requests: https://osbot.org/forum/forum/334-private-scripts-trials/

Sorry about that! :(

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Hey Apa,

Just wanted to bring to your attention the "double-clicking" that seems to be happening in the rouge's den. Essentially, after the raw item is selected, the script clicks on the fire (red X), then clicks it again right after (yellow X), causing the account to step onto the fire. Ultimately nothing is cooked as it continues to do this over and over again. The only solution I've come up with is stopping and restarting the script when this happens, but obviously this is a bit of band-aid fix.

I'm wondering if there's anything that can be done about this. I just purchased the script and it doesn't seem to be usable in its present form. Great scripts as always (P.S. - What's the progress on the forthcoming agility script? :)

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  On 11/21/2017 at 8:01 PM, rich_noob said:

Hey Apa,

Just wanted to bring to your attention the "double-clicking" that seems to be happening in the rouge's den. Essentially, after the raw item is selected, the script clicks on the fire (red X), then clicks it again right after (yellow X), causing the account to step onto the fire. Ultimately nothing is cooked as it continues to do this over and over again. The only solution I've come up with is stopping and restarting the script when this happens, but obviously this is a bit of band-aid fix.

I'm wondering if there's anything that can be done about this. I just purchased the script and it doesn't seem to be usable in its present form. Great scripts as always (P.S. - What's the progress on the forthcoming agility script? :)


Hmm, that's odd... This never used to be the case! I have no idea why that would happen, especially since from what you've said, it doesn't seem to happen consistently. Interactions are handled by OSBot so I would assume the problem resides there, perhaps with the latest client update. Then again, Alek didn't specify adjusting any interaction code therefore I doubt this would be the cause.

If it is consistently happening,  I would recommend switching over to a different location and running the script there. Hosidius is great since it is quite quick to get favour and you have a reduced burn rate. In the mean time I will investigate this issue.

As for the Agility script, it has been completed and is awaiting SDN release. The request has been submitted, however with the current developer issues with OSBot, it is understandable that this request is yet to be processed. Hopefully it will be released soon! (:


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