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Good bye everyone (for real).


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I just don't want to be a part of this community anymore. I have been here for quite a while now, and put in a crap ton of hours and posts into this site (I'm @Superman if you didn't know.


I'm just kind of shocked that @Alek is getting Admin instead of @Smart. I will not rage at this because then @Maldesto will be IP banned and I've been that before and it sucks.


I will say this nicely:

Will someone please explain to me why Alek is getting Admin? He has 400 posts, hasn't been around for weeks. He is a scripter, not a moderator.

Smart has #1 mod logs (nearly twice as many as second place). He has been mod for as long as I've been around, probably way before that too... This is my final farewell...  Just like... I'm just kinda ya know... SHOCKED. 


The bot is pretty good, but this community is just kind of falling apart. 


I wish all of you good luck, and I hope that this community pulls itself together.

I love you guys, 


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I'm not active because I have 400 post count and my time logged in isn't high because I don't afk my browser at night? I woke up at 6AM today to push scripts and was late for work which started at 7AM, I'm pretty sure I'm active.


Smart is a great guy along with many other members of the administration. Staff promotions and community problems is out of my control, I'm just here to work on the SDN and push out updates.


Regardless of whoever/wherever you got your disinformation from, I hope you return in the future when this pointless drama dies down. It's unfortunate that many members don't see the positive influence I have over the community.

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I'm not active because I have 400 post count and my time logged in isn't high because I don't afk my browser at night? I woke up at 6AM today to push scripts and was late for work which started at 7AM, I'm pretty sure I'm active.


Smart is a great guy along with many other members of the administration. Staff promotions and community problems is out of my control, I'm just here to work on the SDN and push out updates.


Regardless of whoever/wherever you got your disinformation from, I hope you return in the future when this pointless drama dies down. It's unfortunate that many members don't see the positive influence I have over the community.



So your argument is, because you spent an hour pushing scripts, you're active.




And I believe it was said you would receive an 'Administrators' position.


So I should hope you'd do more than just push scripts.

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I'm not active because I have 400 post count and my time logged in isn't high because I don't afk my browser at night? I woke up at 6AM today to push scripts and was late for work which started at 7AM, I'm pretty sure I'm active.


Smart is a great guy along with many other members of the administration. Staff promotions and community problems is out of my control, I'm just here to work on the SDN and push out updates.


Regardless of whoever/wherever you got your disinformation from, I hope you return in the future when this pointless drama dies down. It's unfortunate that many members don't see the positive influence I have over the community.



So your argument is, because you spent an hour pushing scripts, you're active.




And I believe it was said you would receive an 'Administrators' position.


So I should hope you'd do more than just push scripts.


An hour pushing scripts?


I am going through a 2 month backlog of SDN Upload Requests

I update scripts daily

I am coordinating the new scripting competitions

I am working on a new system (java, php, sql) for uploads

I am revamping the SDN approval process

I go through the inactive SDN scripts/contact script writers

I review scripts for malicious code

... and much more


There's a lot of behind the scenes stuff you guys don't really see. I spend at least 4-5 hours every day working on OSBot; you guys just can't see it because it's mainly in various systems/tools.

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Alek, please dude...

You can see reality from bullshit right... Your doing a awesome job, always complaining people will always be always complaining people.

Nobody is bullshitting about that the other guys left staff etc... You are in a position now and that makes people say things just to get a reaction.


Alek is doing a wonderfull job on SDN, and other things behind the scenes.

Keep up the good work Alek, the people that are saying bad things so far are

-1 Jealous


-2 Saying to get reaction.

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+ i wanted to add, superman you've been here before me, maybe lil bit fucked up feeling u never reached any rank besides paying for it? ( vip :) )

Just give this guy a break, this guy is more active then laz etc and if u wanna go bitch go do it at their door, not the guy who works in his time where he could be earning money irl or whatever. 


Glad to see u leave, people like you fuck up this community, only complaining, leeching and 90% spam section time.

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