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Doesn't jagex check game client layout ?


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35 minutes ago, Wishy said:

I believe you can use the other layouts with Mirror if your Vanilla client is a certain size, but i dont think Mirror is all that good with it.

Damn I didn't know that. I'll have to check it out and do some testing.


2 hours ago, Czar said:

No real way of knowing for sure but I would imagine botting on full screen or even mobile would be lowkey :doge: 

Exactly what I'm thinking. I'm game theorizing here but I'm guessing that from all the data jagex can possibly gather, they can't keep it all otherwise they would need massive datacenters just for that. So that means they might target certain accounts with more scrutiny. 

It might just be me also, I can't imagine using classic fixed layout for extended periods of time as a real player. 

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20 hours ago, Khaleesi said:

Well from tests I did a few moths ago there was no difference in bann rates with resizeabke or fixed. :)


19 hours ago, Kramnik said:

In my experience I noticed that resizable have better ban rates than fixed, but it was quite small difference.

Well it looks like I won't bother spending more time on this then since you two already did the research. I'll work on something else that'll be more efficient.  Thanks guys. :sanic:


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