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OSTracker 2.0 - User data tracking and storage API


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In late 2019, OSTracker 1.0 was released which was a client-server implementation that strived to collect user data for scripters with ease. There were a few problems with this type of implementation, and most of them were performance related and mostly poor ways of communication between the client and the database.

Today I am happy to release OSTracker 2.0, which transitions from this Client-Server approach to a RESTful API which allows for much easier and less intensive data submission and tracking.

OSTracker 2.0 API is built on Laravel, a PHP framework that specialises in the development of web applications.

Tracked Data (per user)

  • Experience gained for all skills
  • Items Received, Lost, or Spent (e.g. arrows and runes)
  • Time ran
  • Error logs (if setup)


  • Data retrieval end points that will allow you to filter certain users, scripts, skills, items, and more.


Client-side installation

Integration with your OSBot script is relatively simple. Simply copy the contents of the 'client' directory in this repo into your scripts code base.

In your scripts onStart, you should initialise OSTracker like so.

private Tracker tracker;

public void onStart(){
        try {
		tracker = new Tracker(getBot(), getName(), "BASE_API_URL", "YOUR_TOKEN")
				.setUpdateInterval(30) // Defaults to an hour
	} catch (Exception e) {
		if (tracker != null) {

And end the tracker in your scripts onExit like so

public void onExit(){

	if(tracker != null){

Your token will be created when deploying the Laravel API to your server, or it will be provided to you if you are choosing to integrate with somebody else's API.

From here, OSTracker will automatically handle experience, loot, and script runtime tracking, and by default will submit this data to the API once per hour. Data will also be submitted when the script is stopped.

API installation

Don't fancy setting all this up? I can host your data for you for $3 USD per month.





  • A Linux based or Windows OS VPS / Dedicated server. (for this installation, I used a Centos 7 VPS)
  • PHP 7.2+
  • Apache
  • Composer
  • Git
  • MySQL Server
  • Zip, Unzip (yum install zip unzip php-zip)

I would recommend following this tutorial, as it encompasses most of the requirements. You will need to replace Step 4 with this repository however. https://tecadmin.net/install-laravel-framework-on-centos/



  1. Clone this repository to your desired location, e.g. '/var/www', you can do this by running git clone https://github.com/tomhoogstra/OSTracker.git in the repository of choice.
  2. Once cloned, navigate to the api subdirectory.
  3. Run composer install and wait for all the dependencies to downloaded, this can take a few minutes.
  4. After composer has finished doing its thing, you will need to create a copy of the '.env.example' file and name it '.env'.
  5. Run the following commands php artisan key:generate
  6. With MySQL, create a new scheme with whatever name you want, and give your user access to it.
  7. After the schema has been created, you will need to update the '.env' file with your database credentials, e.g.


     8. Run the following commands to create all the necessary tables with default data

php artisan migrate
php artisan db:seed

    9. Update the file read / write permissions if you are on a linux based system

chown -R apache.apache /var/www/OSTracker/api
chmod -R 755 /var/www/OSTracker/api
chmod -R 755 /var/www/OSTracker/api/storage

    10. Update the apache config to point to the base directory of the API (on Centos 7, the config can be found at '/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf')

          To do this, add this to the bottom of the config (change the paths where necessary)

<VirtualHost *:80>
       DocumentRoot /var/www/OSTracker/api/public

       <Directory /var/www/OSTracker/api>
              AllowOverride All

   11. Restart the apache service (On Centos 7 you can do this with service httpd restart)
   12. Installation should now be complete, and you should be able to access the Laravel default page by going to your hostname in any web browser

alt text



Post-installation instructions / API endpoints


After installation, you will need to create your first user to get an API token which will be used in your script and for future data retrieval.

You can do this by calling the register endpoint of your newly deployed API. This can be easily done in Postman, or anywhere of your choosing.


Once the user has been created and you have your API token, you will need to do some work in the MySQL database to allocate any scripts to this user.

Start off by adding your own scripts / service to the scripts table. e.g.


Once your scripts have been created, you can give your user access by adding the userID to scriptID mapping in the userscripts table. If i want to allocate these 9 scripts to the user we just created 'Tom', I would goto the users table and get the ID for the user first, then insert it into userscripts like so.

Given that Tom is the first user I have created, the ID is '1'.


Tom now has access to submit data for these 9 scripts


Submitting data

Currently there is 4 endpoints which you can use to submit data for users of your script or service, these are:

  • items
  • experience
  • runtime
  • log

In order to submit data, you will need to include the API token you were provided when you created your user as the bearer token in any post request you make. The OSTracker client will handle this for you, but you can do this in Postman under the Authorization tab, and selecting 'Bearer Token' as the type.

Here are some example requests for each of these endpoints. You can also import this collection into postman using the following link:


API Documentation: http://api.mykindos.me/doc.html



Note: The JSON format seperating each item received, lost, or spent.







Retrieving Data












Edited by Tom
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  • Gunman pinned this topic
  • 1 year later...

Thank you for sharing! I hope it will be better than the first OS Tracker because it was not working. I like that the integration with your OSBot script is relatively simple, and you don't need to lose a lot of time on it. When I was using the first version of OS Tracker, I was stocking all the data on my SSD. Unfortunately, water destroyed it, so I lost all the data. My mistake was that I had thrown the SSD because, at that time, I didn't know that there were such services as salvagedata.com that could restore the data from such SSDs.

Edited by AnnaMurray75NSA
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On 2/28/2022 at 10:45 PM, AnnaMurray75NSA said:

Thank you for sharing! I hope it will be better than the first OS Tracker because it was not working. I like that the integration with your OSBot script is relatively simple, and you don't need to lose a lot of time on it.

Yep, the first version was awful. I tried to keep the script implementation as simple as possible, the server-side setup is a little more complicated though

16 hours ago, Fich420 said:

I made my own ghetto way of doing this... and then found this :feels:

Nice, hopefully you can find some use of the code / idea

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