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@ChrisI feel like I’m missing something incredibly minuscule and it’s making me feel dumb. I for the life of me cannot add my settings to the folder because I don’t have a folder located in my osbot files unlike my other scripts. So I even tried manually making a folder for it in the exact order stated above. Once I click load file it shows a completely different Excellent Vorkath folder and non of my settings are in them. I’m about 2 hours in now about to completely give up on this. I own about 20 scripts and have never struggled this hard to even start a script. Please help 

Edited by Afk Dad
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I'm not sure if anyone else is having this issue... I have two account running the setting at the same time. One of my accounts start perfectly and will kill the boss. My other account will flat out not move. Not sure what is going on. 

[INFO][Bot #1][03/01 07:32:18 PM]: Loaded 5 built-in random solvers!
[INFO][Bot #1][03/01 07:32:18 PM]: Setting Antiban Compliance Seed with bytes: [116, 111, 109, 109, 121, 114, 101, 110, 101, 97, 117, 64, 111, 117, 116, 108, 111, 111, 107, 46, 99, 111, 109, 52, 53, 98, 101, 99, 56, 51, 56, 45, 56, 98, 52, 102, 45, 52, 97, 100, 57, 45, 98, 49, 97, 101, 45, 54, 99, 101, 100, 55, 97, 50, 48, 56, 56, 101, 102]
[INFO][Bot #1][03/01 07:32:18 PM]: Adjusting loop speed 50 ms
[INFO][Bot #1][03/01 07:32:18 PM]: Setting script name: Excellent Vorkath
[INFO][Bot #1][03/01 07:32:18 PM]: Created or save directory exists.
[INFO][Bot #1][03/01 07:32:18 PM]: Created log save file[[Excellent Vorkath][tommyreneau][2024-03-01 19-32-18].log]: true in C:\Users\tfren\OSBot\Data\Excellent Vorkath\logs
[INFO][Bot #1][03/01 07:32:18 PM]: 3864 = Price Cache Size
[INFO][Bot #1][03/01 07:32:18 PM]: [PHASE LISTENER]: INITIATED
[INFO][Bot #1][03/01 07:32:20 PM]: BreakManager: We will bot for 129 minute(s) and break for 20 minute(s)
[INFO][Bot #1][03/01 07:32:20 PM]: {rangePotion=Divine ranging potion(4), prayerPotion=Prayer potion(4), prayerAmount=2, antifirePotion=Extended super antifire(4), venomPotion=Anti-venom+(4), primaryFood=Shark, enableCrossbowMode=on, enableSecondaryBolt=on, primaryBolt=Ruby dragon bolts (e), secondaryBolt=Diamond dragon bolts (e), boltSwitchPercent=30, useRejuvPool=on, useClanWars=on, stopConditionTime=on, stopConditionTimeOut=240, instanceConditionKill=on, instanceConditionKillAmount=3, instanceConditionLoot=on, instanceConditionAttackWalk=on}
[INFO][Bot #1][03/01 07:32:20 PM]: Shark
[INFO][Bot #1][03/01 07:32:20 PM]: Lobster
[INFO][Bot #1][03/01 07:32:20 PM]: Prayer potion(4)
[INFO][Bot #1][03/01 07:32:20 PM]: 2
[INFO][Bot #1][03/01 07:32:20 PM]: Extended super antifire(4)
[INFO][Bot #1][03/01 07:32:20 PM]: Extended super antifire
[INFO][Bot #1][03/01 07:32:21 PM]: Anti-venom+(4)
[INFO][Bot #1][03/01 07:32:21 PM]: Anti-venom+
[INFO][Bot #1][03/01 07:32:21 PM]: Divine ranging potion
[INFO][Bot #1][03/01 07:32:21 PM]: Divine ranging potion(4)
[INFO][Bot #1][03/01 07:32:21 PM]: Crossbow mode settings
[INFO][Bot #1][03/01 07:32:21 PM]: Ruby dragon bolts (e)
[INFO][Bot #1][03/01 07:32:21 PM]: Crossbow secondary bolt enabled
[INFO][Bot #1][03/01 07:32:21 PM]: Diamond dragon bolts (e)
[INFO][Bot #1][03/01 07:32:21 PM]: Clanwars mode
[INFO][Bot #1][03/01 07:32:21 PM]: Use refreshment pool: false
[INFO][Bot #1][03/01 07:32:21 PM]: Stop condition pet: false
[INFO][Bot #1][03/01 07:32:21 PM]: Stop condition time enabled
[INFO][Bot #1][03/01 07:32:21 PM]: 240
[INFO][Bot #1][03/01 07:32:21 PM]: Instance condition drink after kill: false
[INFO][Bot #1][03/01 07:32:21 PM]: Instance condition loot before leaving: true
[INFO][Bot #1][03/01 07:32:21 PM]: Instance condition enable attack walk (Crossbow): true
[INFO][Bot #1][03/01 07:32:21 PM]: Instance condition kills per trip enabled
[INFO][Bot #1][03/01 07:32:21 PM]: 3
[INFO][Bot #1][03/01 07:32:21 PM]: Loaded script settings... start script!
[INFO][Bot #1][03/01 07:32:22 PM]: Using Rune Pouch: true. Item Name: Rune pouch Item id: 12791
[INFO][Bot #1][03/01 07:32:22 PM]: Have Dust: true
[INFO][Bot #1][03/01 07:32:22 PM]: Have Law: true
[INFO][Bot #1][03/01 07:32:22 PM]: Have Chaos: true
[INFO][Bot #1][03/01 07:32:22 PM]: 1/2 TOTAL PRAYER: 43
[INFO][Bot #1][03/01 07:32:22 PM]: =====================================
[INFO][Bot #1][03/01 07:32:22 PM]: Registered Gear: Void ranger helm x1
[INFO][Bot #1][03/01 07:32:22 PM]: Registered Gear: Ava's assembler x1
[INFO][Bot #1][03/01 07:32:22 PM]: Registered Gear: Salve amulet(ei) x1
[INFO][Bot #1][03/01 07:32:22 PM]: Registered Gear: Dragon hunter crossbow x1
[INFO][Bot #1][03/01 07:32:22 PM]: Registered Gear: Elite void top x1
[INFO][Bot #1][03/01 07:32:22 PM]: Registered Gear: Dragonfire ward x1
[INFO][Bot #1][03/01 07:32:22 PM]: Registered Gear: Elite void robe x1
[INFO][Bot #1][03/01 07:32:22 PM]: Registered Gear: Void knight gloves x1
[INFO][Bot #1][03/01 07:32:22 PM]: Registered Gear: Saradomin d'hide boots x1
[INFO][Bot #1][03/01 07:32:22 PM]: Registered Gear: Dragon hunter crossbow
[INFO][Bot #1][03/01 07:32:22 PM]: canCrossbowSpec: false
[INFO][Bot #1][03/01 07:32:22 PM]: Registered Gear: Ruby dragon bolts (e)
[INFO][Bot #1][03/01 07:32:22 PM]: Registered Gear: Archers ring (i)
[INFO][Bot #1][03/01 07:32:22 PM]: Registered Gear: Ava's assembler
[INFO][Bot #1][03/01 07:32:22 PM]: Registered Equipment Size: 11
[INFO][Bot #1][03/01 07:32:22 PM]: =====================================
[INFO][Bot #1][03/01 07:32:22 PM]: Display correction: Fixed mode
[INFO][Bot #1][03/01 07:32:22 PM]: For performance reasons...if you want to use resizable then please do so.
[INFO][Bot #1][03/01 07:32:22 PM]: I guarantee 100% working fixed mode status..as that is what I primarily test in.
[INFO][Bot #1][03/01 07:32:22 PM]: Please set the client to fullscreen if you do use resizable mode.
[INFO][Bot #1][03/01 07:32:22 PM]: =====================================
[INFO][Bot #1][03/01 07:32:22 PM]: Adjusting camera to top of screen.
[INFO][Bot #1][03/01 07:32:23 PM]: [DEBUG] Left-click where available is already enabled.
[INFO][Bot #1][03/01 07:32:24 PM]: Using speedBaseTime: 172ms for new mouse.
[WARN][Bot #1][03/01 07:32:24 PM]: The current script is overriding the Death's office handler!
[WARN][Bot #1][03/01 07:32:24 PM]: OSBot is not responsible for any issues that occurred due to this.

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18 hours ago, buddyofos said:

I'm not sure if anyone else is having this issue... I have two account running the setting at the same time. One of my accounts start perfectly and will kill the boss. My other account will flat out not move. Not sure what is going on. 


Join my discord https://discord.gg/CGHsd4a

are these two separate clients?


Edited by Chris
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