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Likelihood of being banned from buying GP?


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As the title says I'm querying as to what people believe on this subject because it's something I find fascinating. We all know (at least the majority) that KempQ got banned for RWT by selling his gold, I've sold gold in the past but never received a ban because of it. How often is it that people actually get banned for purchasing as apposed to selling? I was contemplating buying some GP  on my main because of the sand casino but I'm curious as to whether anyone on here has actually ever been banned because of this. I know 90% of the comments will be "DoNt BuY iF u DoNt WaNt BaN HaMmEr" but on a serious note can anyone here give any insight into this?

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its hard to say, tho i buy gold from time to time but never got a ban. but i think they go after the sellers more as the buyer will start to buy bonds if there are no golder seller to sell to them (never going to happen) but that my there thinking and at most id think its be a temp ban 1st as a warning then if they see it again the account will be banned.


but as i said iv never been banned for it and if you think you my get banned have the gold traded to a mule then move it over to your main when you like and how you like.

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He sold like 4b or something insane, definitely triggering an automated check. I've sold 600-800m many times (at least once a month) and have yet to catch a ban, not to mention buying 100m+ for farms. Jagex is more concerned with RWT farms from huge gold selling websites, popular content creators may also be scrutinized more.

Edited by caketeaparty
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  On 5/28/2019 at 12:34 AM, ainzlee said:

@Juggles I'm planning to sell 1.5b all in one go soon, what's the safest way to sell it in your opinion? the most i've ever sold in one go was like 300m.


Sell it all in one go and you should fine. Once you're paid doesn't matter what happens to the gold after

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  On 5/28/2019 at 6:22 AM, Juggles said:

Sell it all in one go and you should fine. Once you're paid doesn't matter what happens to the gold after


I was gonna sell it from one of my accounts which i play on, im paranoid that if i create a new acc and trade it over it will be instantly banned. Do you know if anything like that's ever happened?

Edited by ainzlee
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Its strange, I've heard people that just transfer 50-200m+ From their Alt Accounts no problem ( Probably because identical IP Addresses ) But then sometimes you can get banned for RWT because of trading interactions that have involve cheap gold farming websites that are just getting there community's flagged.

  • The account you sell the gold on is at risk, Assume Ban and if not you-got-lucky

Now I don't know how if this theory holds any value, But if it were me? I would try organize someone to hybrid fight me with max gear in wildy, Then just obviously lose to them but here's the secret.

  • Shortly after the deed has been done you go and rant about how you are quitting 4lyfe, Don't forget to say "fuck life, i have nothing, cya world" for 1 hour and chuck a sad tantrum @ the GE, 


Now thats Anti-Ban:gnome:

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