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What I have been up to


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First of all let me start by saying this has been long overdue.

I recently got promoted at work, furthermore increasing my workload hence my lurking now and then but not really contributing/being active.
Currently I work as a network administrator in a Psychiatric Hospital for a world-wide organisation (+/- 12 hospitals alone in Belgium).
Bought a house with my girlfriend and we got a renovation loan as well, totaling to around €400k in a mortgage @ 1.85% for 25y, feel free to do the math :].

I then unfortunately had my car break down (Volvo V50 1.6D - rip), so I had to get a new one in order to be able to still go to work, get the groceries, do my hobbies…
I went over to several dealers, and eventually bought a brand new Volkswagen T-Roc, which is roughly another €25K “down the drain”.

The last few months, May – December, have been really exciting, but also had me under a lot of stress. Being able to pay the bills (I taught myself a lot of budgeting), longer hours at work, visiting each and every contractor several times to get the most out of our budget, handling delays, …

TL:DR = Got promoted at work, bought a house and going to renovate it, bought a new car, all this resulting in me not having any time to write this, nor post this, hence my lurking...

I am planning on becoming an active part of this community again, in the near future, so expect me back soon™.
If you have any questions you would like me to answer, shoot!


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