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APA AIO Herblore


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I'm currently using the script, and it looks decent! One thing that could be improved is when making potions clicks the first potion and the first of the second item. Instead it should click the last and first item if that makes since. Like this:



Instead of this:


Another thing that would improve it will be if the bot used spacebar at the "make the potions" interface instead of mouse clicking on the interface

Anyway I'll leave it overnight and hopefully no bugs will occur - I'll give an update tomorrow when I wake up :) 

Edited by jens4626
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1 hour ago, gayboi said:

Hey. This script is amzing but the only issue i've stumbled on is when trying to make unfinished potions, Avanthoe(unf) is linked to making guam(unf). 

You're right - just checked. Cheers for letting me know!

I will try and find the time to fix this in the near future.


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9 minutes ago, Apaec said:

You're right - just checked. Cheers for letting me know!

I will try and find the time to fix this in the near future.


I attempted to figure out how to compile the open source you gave from 0 knoweldge and add the correction to use till you did it yousefl but failed miserably. I guess ill wait till you do it :I

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21 minutes ago, gayboi said:

I attempted to figure out how to compile the open source you gave from 0 knoweldge and add the correction to use till you did it yousefl but failed miserably. I guess ill wait till you do it :I

Hmm, it might be a tricky process from 0 knowledge. You need to build the project with the OSBot jar - maybe you could give scripting a go and then you would learn!!!

Anyway, i've just fixed the code and pushed the updated version live - please allow up to 24h for the new version to become available. As usual, you can always compile the code from github for immediate access to the update.

Stupidly  I forgot to update the version number so you will have to test it out to see if the new version is live. Sorry bout that!


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2 hours ago, Apaec said:

Hmm, it might be a tricky process from 0 knowledge. You need to build the project with the OSBot jar - maybe you could give scripting a go and then you would learn!!!

Anyway, i've just fixed the code and pushed the updated version live - please allow up to 24h for the new version to become available. As usual, you can always compile the code from github for immediate access to the update.

Stupidly  I forgot to update the version number so you will have to test it out to see if the new version is live. Sorry bout that!


Thanks for the update and yah I should learn macros. I'm going into IT and should mingle in a lot of different subjects.

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  • 4 weeks later...

@Apaec Hey.

Just testing it atm since the one I paid for in the past seems to not be updated anymore.

Appreciating the fact that it's free and all, but if you get time whenever~ would u be able to make the script press the number 1 or spacebar when selecting the option to make all instead of using the mouse?

Just more efficient and humanlike. Not trying to be ungrateful! Just thought I would give my input.

Don't really know how to do it myself :( I would if I could @_@

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2 hours ago, EndureCoreNas said:

@Apaec Hey.

Just testing it atm since the one I paid for in the past seems to not be updated anymore.

Appreciating the fact that it's free and all, but if you get time whenever~ would u be able to make the script press the number 1 or spacebar when selecting the option to make all instead of using the mouse?

Just more efficient and humanlike. Not trying to be ungrateful! Just thought I would give my input.

Don't really know how to do it myself :( I would if I could @_@

Didn't even know you could interact with the menu with the keyboard!

Perhaps could add this if I have a free minute at some point


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  • 3 weeks later...

Attached is an update for using the space bar to use the Make-All interface :)


Thanks for this script! It's working flawlessly for me.



Nevermind, it seems I broke the script entirely. Won't click on make-all or press spacebar, and I've tried the SDN and my local script :(


Edited by Chaflie
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18 hours ago, Chaflie said:

Attached is an update for using the space bar to use the Make-All interface :)


Thanks for this script! It's working flawlessly for me.



Nevermind, it seems I broke the script entirely. Won't click on make-all or press spacebar, and I've tried the SDN and my local script :(



Would be curious to see what you had (:

I centralised the widget interaction code so that future updates such as this were a bit easier, you should be able to just change one of the methods in https://github.com/apaec/aio-herblore/blob/master/src/uk/co/ramyun/herblore/util/MakeWidget.java to press space instead of click (:

Not sure what you mean by the SDN version not working, it seems to be just fine for me! (keep me updated?)


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