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APA AIO Herblore


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  On 1/9/2018 at 9:06 AM, DennisRS said:

I have the same with making super energy pots, let us know when it's fixed. Thanks in advance


Sorry, been super busy these past couple days. Will aim to get it done this evening but can't make any promises! You can always modify the code yourself if you really need it now, then use the SDN version again once I push the fix live!


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Version 1.03

  • Fixed type with 'Mort myre fungus'
  • Re-scaled/Adjusted UI to more convenient dimensions
  • Fixed component border issue in UI

Please allow up to 24h for this update to go live to the SDN. As usual, if you would like access to this updated version immediately, the updated code can be found here


Edited by Apaec
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  On 1/13/2018 at 12:20 AM, nfmo said:

Hey APA. Not sure if the update might now have pushed, but Super energies are still not working! It clicks the fungus, the pot, and then keeps clicking back and forth instead of making the potions!


Hmm, it clicks the fungus you say :o

That must mean there's a secondary issue. My account is not a high enough herblore level yet to make super energies, so there's no convenient way to test it. I will check spellings of stuff further though and hope that I made a mistake somewhere else as well!


  On 1/13/2018 at 9:25 AM, jayngering said:

This script is awesome, works flawless for me. Can not believe so few people use it.

Keep up the good work.


Thanks! (: Probably so few users because it's quite a new script. Hopefully time will change that!

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  On 1/13/2018 at 2:50 PM, nfmo said:

It just doens't click the "make" option! Not sure if you can program in the pressing of "1" key, which would initiate the make all action.


Yeah, it uses text to recognise the button so that it can interact - a typo in the source might result in this recognition failing. You could always take a look in the sourcecode but I will have a look this evening hopefully when i'm in.

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  On 1/13/2018 at 3:28 PM, nfmo said:




Version 1.04

  • Fixed mis-spelling of 'Super energy' (was 'Super energy potion') in script potion data. This should fix any outstanding issues with making Super energies.


Please allow up to 24h for the update to be pushed live to the SDN. As usual, since this project is open-source, you can compile the code yourself for immediate access to up to date content.

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