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Service owner's life


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this thread is aimed mainly on top service owners.

I got few things that I am curious about, so please if you are open to this, share your story with me.


Do you have a regular job? Do you go to work on daily bases or work from home/own any other business? [Not speaking about those who are at college, thats clear]

If you have a girlfriend/wife, what she thinks about you playing some 'game with shitty graphics' or spending hours on some dark forums that she probably knows nothing about?

How much time do you spend around your rs business? Working during the night only, or all day long? 

What keeps you motivated to stay here, is it the money or you enjoy doing it? Do you sometimes ask yourself if it's worth?


Thanks guys


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Do you have a regular job? Do you go to work on daily bases or work from home/own any other business? [Not speaking about those who are at college, thats clear]

  • I work regular job, and opening a business on my own as well. And I am a live chat agent over at www.RealistGold.com

If you have a girlfriend/wife, what she thinks about you playing some 'game with shitty graphics' or spending hours on some dark forums that she probably knows nothing about?

  • Have a girlfriend, she does not 'understand' there are people willing to pay for it, other than that she is fine with it, as long as I cook dinner. (which I enjoy)

How much time do you spend around your rs business? Working during the night only, or all day long? 

  • Quite a lot, mostly during day/evening.

What keeps you motivated to stay here, is it the money or you enjoy doing it? Do you sometimes ask yourself if it's worth?

  • I enjoy doing it and the pay on top is certainly a motivator

I am where I am today due to hard work, this community and my papi @Realist

Edited by Howest
mentioning live chat
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9 minutes ago, Dbuffed said:

Hardly any money to be made when you're a owner and employ people to be fair.

Also on topic - 

1) I have a wife & children.
2) I have a full time job, (monday-friday sometimes saturday) although i'm not currently medically cleared until January to return to anything physical.
2.1) Sort of part 2, I work from home atm due to my current status.
3) My wife and children know that I do RS related stuff. My son when I do nightmare zone for people and I have to leave the room, jumps on my PC and starts trying to do it for me. 

Now to answer the next part - I play the game myself, not very often but I still do. I used to always want to have a max cape (pre-EOC/RS3) and I was about 20 total levels off in the end before being banned for multiple reasons. Now I mainly focus on services in my spare time, the money can be ok but it can also be meh, but I enjoy the people I deal with majority of the time as they are nice to talk to and very kind so deserve the same respect even if they are doing it out of paying for a service.

Just over a month ago I found out I had a blood clot in my right calf (was travelling up my knee/upper leg slowly) and I had to go in and out of hospital. Sure yes then I was like "why do I do services? Even when i'm like this, people know i'm like it yet still bother me for servicing all the time" - It's annoying when that happens, but as said above you also get really nice people and it's nice to build relationships with those around you, even if it's just over the internet.

Even saying that, it's only over the internet i've actually met some of what I like to call my best friends to be fair who include people like @Dex @Decode and although we are always on/off @Maldesto to name a few just being staff alone. I have been friends with ex staff, and many others like @Muffins @Howest @Kim @Vilius @Darren who are all known people to this site to name a few also.

I will always say though, servicing isn't easy and it's demanding. I've worked for 4 gold sites as people like @Jordan and @Gleets know personally. Gold sites took it out of me a year ago, and sometimes I like to take a break and I like to give others the chance to work under my name and see how cool servicing can be if you're in need of gold, but then again this always varies from person to person.

Thanks for the mention buddy, all above :P

I will make the "my best friends to be fair who include people like @Dex" oneday

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2 hours ago, Dbuffed said:

Even saying that, it's only over the internet i've actually met some of what I like to call my best friends to be fair who include people like @Dex @Decode and although we are always on/off @Maldesto to name a few just being staff alone. I have been friends with ex staff, and many others like @Muffins @Howest @Kim @Vilius @Darren who are all known people to this site to name a few also.

I will always say though, servicing isn't easy and it's demanding. I've worked for 4 gold sites as people like @Jordan and @Gleets know personally. Gold sites took it out of me a year ago, and sometimes I like to take a break and I like to give others the chance to work under my name and see how cool servicing can be if you're in need of gold, but then again this always varies from person to person.

Thanks for the mention buddy, all above :P

My Heart broke when I didn't see my name in the list :feels:

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