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mirror mode Banned after 30 hours of combat botting


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I bought VIP and used the mirror mode, I botted for 30 hours total and got banned. I started at level 3, botted for 2-3 hours at chickens to about 20 str if i remember correct, then i went to monks and botted for about 9 hours to around 40 str then i took a break for 1 day. after a 24 hour break i bought a premium rockcrab script and i botted for 15 hours. After 15 hours my account logged out and when i logged back in i thought i was fine but as soon as i took a step my account loggd out again and when i tried to logg back in i was perm ban'd lol. 


Perhaps i did some rookie miskate by start botting immediately after creating the account or someting along that. I can also mention that at rockcrabs i did i actualy pause the bot at one part and took over and trained about 10k xp by my self cuz i was bored..and after that i just unpaused and let the bot do its thing, so i did break the pathern of the bot had by abit sinse that seems to be a huge reason u get banned "I'V HEARD". Owell life goes on and since i got banned so early i feel like i should give it a another try. If any of you ladies out there have any suggestion pleeease gimmie<3


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Botted on a fresh account, then botted at rock crabs for 15 hours. Unfortunately I think you already know why you were banned.


Limit your sessions to less than 4 hours and only start botting after some period of time. That's if you really care about your account and don't want it to banned. Of course everyone wants to be insta-maxed.

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You botted popular areas, of course you got banned


Rockcrabs now days aint that popular/crowded, its even hard to find a world with more then 3 players in if you try. Do you have any tips on where i should train instead?


It's like botting 20 hours at Blast furnace then complaining a ban :p but you will be banned even if using premium scripts for long times prolonged, especially in Busy areas.


I'm not really complaining either i actually laughed when it happend, do you have any suggestions of other locations to bot at, from scratch?

Botted on a fresh account, then botted at rock crabs for 15 hours. Unfortunately I think you already know why you were banned.


Limit your sessions to less than 4 hours and only start botting after some period of time. That's if you really care about your account and don't want it to banned. Of course everyone wants to be insta-maxed.


i actually do not belive it was the hours or the location that is the real issue,"Meybe im wrong" if i spent the exakt same hours doing it legit i would not have gotten banned ofc, so they obv found a pathern of the bot, or what do you think? Do you think jagex is like "checking" popular areas like rockcrabs to catch a botter like me or did they just find my history of the account unhuman, what do you think*?

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I bought VIP and used the mirror mode, I botted for 30 hours total and got banned. I started at level 3, botted for 2-3 hours at chickens to about 20 str if i remember correct, then i went to monks and botted for about 9 hours to around 40 str then i took a break for 1 day. after a 24 hour break i bought a premium rockcrab script and i botted for 15 hours. After 15 hours my account logged out and when i logged back in i thought i was fine but as soon as i took a step my account loggd out again and when i tried to logg back in i was perm ban'd lol. 


Perhaps i did some rookie miskate by start botting immediately after creating the account or someting along that. I can also mention that at rockcrabs i did i actualy pause the bot at one part and took over and trained about 10k xp by my self cuz i was bored..and after that i just unpaused and let the bot do its thing, so i did break the pathern of the bot had by abit sinse that seems to be a huge reason u get banned "I'V HEARD". Owell life goes on and since i got banned so early i feel like i should give it a another try. If any of you ladies out there have any suggestion pleeease gimmie<3


IF you make a new account, don't start botting immediately. Play legit first and then slowly start easing into it. And never ever bot more than 4 hours consecutively and be sure to take a lot of breaks. Even 5 - 10 minute breaks can go a long way

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