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Leaving the RS/RSPS Scene

Mister Slyther

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Hi guys, pretty sure many of you noticed that my activity dropped a lot, at least the people that know me.


Obviously many wont care, but I will soon no longer be advertising my services of GFX work in the rsps/rs scene.


I'm currently a Graphics Design student at uni and I will be focusing on "Branding" soon. Like Logos, posters, brochures, Web Design etc...so obviously my standards will rise and the only way to make a name for myself in the industry is to do that sort of work.


RSPS/RS GFX was a good experience and I learned allot. Many helped me get to the level I am on GFX atm, i mean obviously im not the best and I still have a lot to learn anyways.


Good time lads (y), I'll still be browsing the forums and I will request my GFX thread to be closed quite soon.


What I plan to do:


After I obtain my Bachelors degree, will be chasing Masters in Graphics and probably doing some real professional work on the road. While I am at it I will be freelancing and doing some big jobs. I'm taking this decision because leaving the RSPS scene is one of the keys to raising my standards and making a name for myself in the industry. Other than that, if people do need work done, you can contact me, rsps/rs work will just be a side thing and definitely not priority.


The uni I'm in is #2 for Art and Design in the UK. So I am happy to be in a strong uni.


MY SNAPCHAT IS: ashdesigns





Edited by Mister Slyther
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Hi guys, pretty sure many of you noticed that my activity dropped a lot, at least the people that know me.
Obviously many wont care, but I will soon no longer be advertising my services of GFX work in the rsps/rs scene.
I'm currently a Graphics Design student at uni and I will be focusing on "Branding" soon. Like Logos, posters, brochures, Web Design etc...so obviously my standards will rise and the only way to make a name for myself in the industry is to do that sort of work.
RSPS/RS GFX was a good experience and I learned allot. Many helped me get to the level I am on GFX atm, i mean obviously im not the best and I still have a lot to learn anyways.
Good time lads (y), I'll still be browsing the forums and I will request my GFX thread to be closed quite soon.
What I plan to do:
After I obtain my Bachelors degree, will be chasing Masters in Graphics and probably doing some real professional work on the road. While I am at it I will be freelancing and doing some big jobs. I'm taking this decision because leaving the RSPS scene is one of the keys to raising my standards and making a name for myself in the industry. Other than that, if people do need work done, you can contact me, rsps/rs work will just be a side thing and definitely not priority.
The uni I'm in is #2 for Art and Design in the UK. So I am happy to be in a strong uni.


Glad I have you on snapchat my good friend :)


Never leave that!

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