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Removing Bought Ranks From Thread Titles?


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I never said you were? Are you unable to read?

Okay that was my bad missread, anyway to settle this with a pinch. We both did something bad in the past which we paid our dues, I was twc, then removed twc and then I bought sponsor. My resentment towards you is fixated around biased opinions on the fact I believe 1-2 weeks ago you were banned and no full story came out so there was only room to suspect.

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Yup. And the dude was a mass ban-evader and I even offered to refund him but was unable to get ahold of him. It has been over 2 years and I've traded well over 4b. That is one case, care to add others or are do you not know the definition of track record?


How is that a privilege? You do it to support the site, not to add clickbait to your titles

You still didn't answer my first question. Why do you even care? 


And do you know what a privilege even means? 

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No support. The buyer is held responsible on whether or not he deems the user trustworthy whether they take in account their rank or not. 


I think you missed the entire gist/idea of the thread.

You still didn't answer my first question. Why do you even care? 


And do you know what a privilege even means? 


If you would read the actual OP you would see why i care. I am aware what a privilege is , but it doesn't mean that they deserve to do it, we have had issues in the past with things like this.

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I think you missed the entire gist/idea of the thread.


If you would read the actual OP you would see why i care. I am aware what a privilege is , but it doesn't mean that they deserve to do it, we have had issues in the past with things like this.

Buying the PiP grants the privilege of doing something like that. This whole thing is just silly anyway, you asked once and it didn't pass, you are naive for asking again and thinking it'll pass.


And I think you care because it's taking away potential customers from you.

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Buying the PiP grants the privilege of doing something like that. This whole thing is just silly anyway, you asked once and it didn't pass, you are naive for asking again and thinking it'll pass.


And I think you care because it's taking away potential customers from you.


Not taking any customers from me. It's just funny because without the PiP's the other people wouldn't get any customers.

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Not taking any customers from me. It's just funny because without the PiP's the other people wouldn't get any customers.

I think there's two sides to the story, one side you have scamquitter obviously but the others are those who want to do legit services and want to direct customers to them rather than actual scamquitters who are cheaper. I've had multiple customers who decided to go for the cheaper option and then get scammer and/or account being ruined. It's too show dedication as well. I wouldn't just trust a buyable rank unless there is feedback to come with it.

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Not taking any customers from me. It's just funny because without the PiP's the other people wouldn't get any customers.

If I was an average botter looking for a service, I'd click the thread with the person that is Sponsor or 100+ donor before I click yours. It just lets me know how dedicated they are to making their service successful. And it is taking away potential customers. You just don't see it so you don't know how many you're potentially losing.

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