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Everything posted by Patrick

  1. Fixed but keeping the thread open in case todays update breaks the logic again.
  2. Currently fixed for injection only. Working on a mirror fix.
  3. Hey, This release has a fix for the new item/spell selection changes. API CHANGES: - Added new logic for the selected item and spell changes. MISC: - Minor bug fixes. - The OSBot Team
  4. Base item prices are pulled from the wiki api. Then I increase that price to increase the chance of it buying. But if the base price from the wiki is wrong, it might still not buy. Seems the webwalker can't find a path to there. If you could report the bug according to the template, I could add it as an unsolvable clue., The bot client currently has some issues ( ) which might have something to do with inventory management. But I'll check it out either way.
  5. Update: seems there might be a new version of the game released tomorrow which might break the logic again. We're keeping an eye out for that.
  6. Somewhere today or tomorrow; doing final testing now
  7. Hey, We are aware of some issues with the inventory as of the latest game version and are looking into it. We'll update this thread once we have more info. - The OSBot Team
  8. I'll check out the world hopping sleeps
  9. Ensure you assign the profile with the food to the monsters in the monsters tab
  10. I'm not able to replicate it in this version
  11. Hey, This dev build brings a couple small bug fixes. Download link: http://osbot.org/devbuilds/osbot 2.6.45.jar FIXES: - Improved the login handler post-login handling to not wait for the welcome screen when not needed. - Fixed an issue with bank pin random handler crashing on the bank tutorial screen. - Fixed Equipment#isWearingItem possibly throwing an exception. - Ensured quests aren't filtered when trying to determine completions status. MISC: - Minor bug fixes. - The OSBot Team
  12. Enjoy Feel free to pm me the item ids of the clues not working so I can check them
  13. My discord is Pat-ji#0367. I believe the equipment looping is a conflict between the settings and the equipment requirement check for certain monsters
  14. As for the fairy rings, I can check if the client needs an update for it but unsure atm. If you can send a screenshot of the black demons safespot, I can add support for that location. I might have not added it for that particular spot. I need a screenshot for the slayer master interaction error. For which monster is the equipment looping part? I might have missed black mask for a specific requirement
  15. Thanks for the report. In regards to the fairy rings? Did it withdraw a staff (dramen or lunar)? Do you have the entire quests completed? Using the fairy rings is a decision from the client webwalker, not the script. As for the second issue, fixed it for the next release (1.031)
  16. Authed for 48 hours just in case
  17. Please follow the bug report template, otherwise I can't look into it. I need at least a screenshot and the log output
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