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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Epsilon

  1. yeah i think it is a good update. wilderness pking was always something i used to do with my friends and we ad lots of fun. Bounty hunter was never the same so I am glad the wilderness returned.
  2. i am glad this is a thing. i have supported this for many moons.
  3. I have botted roughly lots of 99s through scripts I can get my hands on pm me for privacy scripting
  4. It has barrows gloves.
  5. as per usual this flaming decides that yeah, it would make sense to, wouldn't it? So obviously, i'm not gonna just sit and there and take it like a hmm, i wouldn't want to but I guess it's one of those things where all you can do is I suppose.
  6. Epsilon


    2 day ban no big deal
  7. Nice one muffins. This is the kind of stuff that demonstrates how good a mod you'd be. I would certainly value your service as a mod on this site. I truly hope when I return from my long travels, I see your name in a bright pink.
  8. I can do this, 5m.
  9. You need 100 post count to sell accounts I'm afraid!!!
  10. hello i would suggest using antiban yes.
  11. Acerd has a script that moves randomly before the logout timer. Much better than autoclicking.
  13. why erhmm, a thank you
  14. no dude im not sure i explained right, lemme try to explain if you look down the sights, as opposed to shooting from the hip (like he is in the video), it's more accurate, you will kill them faster
  15. why do you only shoot from the hip? using the ironsights would be a lot more accurate. i played cod4 on gamebattles quite a bit so am pretty good at these kind of games.
  16. I'm just here so I don't get fined
  17. btw you should hide your rsn in case mod weath watches it ^^
  18. 300m from a trusted user like yourself
  19. Epsilon


    classical mald showing him who's boss! that's the kind of leader OSBot needs, and deserves. Big props to mald, never lets this site down. Big fan.
  20. we should not leave, i will vote no when the referendum happens
  21. Buying off trusted people is always a good thing.
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