As a long-term, well respected member with extensive experience in chatbox assisting, here are my nominees.
Trial Mod: @Muffins
I hope that these considerations will be taken seriously.
Script is flawless. The proof is in the pudding.
It's nice to have a scripter on OSBot whose scripts I can use without hesitation. Khal Scripts are your best bet for safe and efficient botting.
Script name - Khal Warrior's Guild
Trial Length - As long as you are willing to share it for.
Reason for trial - I'm too lazy to collect tokens right now.
Are you going to give feedback on the script? Hopefully.
Kind regards,
yeah this is really similar to fat shaming i suppose when somebody is fat yeah and the shame is just so much that they kind of don't really you know how it can go in the wrong way but sometimes it's for the best if they dont really know how or why that could be happening to them in that specific time.
Can you hand the me details of this guy please? This is an example of theft and extortion and I wish to hand the details over to the police ASAP.