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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Epsilon

  1. she should sue that guy she should sue that guy
  2. I have a feeling they are going to be putting down any site that streams it. Pretty sure you have to pay an extra £20 on Sky to watch it even if you are a Sky member. So stupid.
  3. I was majorly addicted to LoL, such a fun game especially when you have 4 close friends to play with and try stupid meta teams and shit.
  4. Nice I am doing exactly this and i'm a bit annoyed that I didn't do a progress thread. I did Giant frogs until 50/50/50 then rock crabs all the way to 70/70/70 without being banned! Exp is getting a bit slow so I think I'll be taking a break once I hit 85. Good luck my main, looking forward to keeping updated with your account.
  5. Veteran accounts have login usernames such as "Epsilon" instead of "Epsilon@yahoo.com" I guess some people care about that kind of thing.
  6. There used to be an entire thread for IRL pics, no idea where it's dissappeared to
  7. ey mang welcome to the community, feel free to pm me if you need anything.
  8. Epsilon


    If you paid by e-cheque I think they can take some time, hopefully a mod sees this and can see what has happened.
  9. i use this everyday and one day i b like u mr!!
  10. B) u know what I mean. In case you didn't, It's over 9000.
  11. Thanks team, always steaksauce when it comes to keeping it updated.
  12. ye i basically wrecked a laptop to the point of return trying to get sony vegas lol
  13. Wait there are servers which actually make you grind for stats? Unreal
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