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Everything posted by Alek

  1. 1. localWalker.walkPath() 2. Banks.CAMELOT.contains(myPlayer()) 3. http://osbot.org/api/
  2. http://osbot.org/forum/topic/64606-osbot-2315-everything-you-do-has-changed/
  3. This release might be my biggest or second biggest release here, and this will affect every single scripter and botter here. Not only did I write code to make this update come to life, but @Maxi contributed essential components to make this happen. As usual, thank @Zach for continuing to work modestly behind the scenes. As the title implies, everything you do has changed. When first coming here, I was often frustrated with interactions. Why is my script attempting to walk on the minimap for an object right next to me? Why is my camera rotating to pick an NPC out from a mile away? The entire interaction event system has been re-written. Not only does the code look a lot cleaner, it's faster and handles a lot more situations than the previous interaction events. Unfortunately while working on this re-write, I ran into API that was just flat-out not working or only worked in limited circumstances. Although this set me back two days from my initial projected release date, everything that was broken was patched and improved. Memory/CPU Usage: Depending on the script, you may see a dramatic drop in computer resource usage (up to 50% for RAM and 25% for CPU). Changelog: -Re-wrote entire InteractionEvent --Added cameraDistanceThreshold(int) ---Default camera threshold set to 8 --Added setMaximumAttempts(int) --Drastically improved visibility checks/handlers --Design is linear allowing for events to be executed much more quickly with higher precision. --Added inventory misclick handling --Default walking distance threshold is 24 -Added setSafetyOverride(boolean) --Safety override ignores distance thresholds when visibility checks fail -Re-wrote the entire Menu API --getMenuIndex(Entity,String[], String[]) is now deprecated --New method is getMenuIndex(String[], String[]) -Updated Magic.deselectSpell() -Updated Magic.cast() to check if the same spell is already selected -Updated Inventory.deselectItem() -Patched WalkingEvent -Updated LocalWalker.walkPath() -Removed loading gif saving ~600kb -Removed unused code saving ~50kb @Maxi's updates: -Patched DynamicCircularPathFinder @Zach's updates: -Patched Auto-updater -Fixed various connection issues (thanks ikos9 for your patience) -Updated SDN infrastructure There are a ton of updates with this release. I'm not sure if scripts will break or perform drastically different. If you have any questions or concerns, please post below. API Docs have been updated
  4. I'm making a release today with re-written interaction events
  5. Anyone else getting interaction errors or has that been fixed?
  6. Say thanks to @Zach for all his hard work on today's release. Please note that previous versions will not work with the latest version of OSRS. Changelog: -Removed unused callbacks -Updated server auth code -Modified error code message for banned users -Updated hooks Have a great Thursday evening and enjoy your Friday. -The OSBot Staff Edit: If you got a corrupt version, re-download it (file size is ~6MB).
  7. Have fun on perm forum moderation.
  8. Download OSBot 2.3.12 and then take a screenshot of the error you are getting.
  9. The local walker changes affect mainly the walkPath method, giving scripters greater control over it. Additionally, I've been looking a bit deeper into various connections issue which are reported in our server logs. I believe the changes made will be a step in the right direction to ensure all members are alleviated of various issues. Changelog: Local Walker: -Added method setEnergyThreshold -Added method getEnergyThreshold -walkPath will check if the final destination is on the minimap before traversing the path -walkPath now uses energyThreshold value --energyThreshold has a default value of 30 Miscellaneous: -ConnectionError parser updated Connections: -Added additional error codes -Removed unused update code (replaced by AutoUpdater) -Cleaned up connections on both the client and server Non-client related: -Camera hooks updated (say thanks to @Zach) -The SDN went through a pretty big sweep. Thank you @Oliver for helping out. Have a great Thursday morning, -The OSBot Staff
  10. Script hidden from store and removed from the SDN until the scripter updates. You will not lose your purchase.
  11. Welcome screen is handled by OSBot and needs to be overriden.
  12. You're assumption is correct regarding creating the wrapper before the user is called for. I didn't write it but from what it looks like, that's what it is. I closed out of IntelliJ but from what quickly skimmed though, you won't be able to safely reference the object. Edit: Good guesses by the way. What will you be doing that would require that kind of optimization?
  13. It checks to see if the adapter already has a wrapper. If it does then it returns the wrapper; if it doesn't it sets it for future reference.
  14. Good thing it's not an English class, I usually only proofread by skimming through once.
  15. Download link Click on the gray "Download This File" button and enter in the captcha. It's a short 2-page essay, 99%. Die hard fans of Duke Nukem might appreciate it.
  16. 1. That's not a download bar, that's RAM usage. 2. You are getting that error either because you are using a banned account or for some reason the server is generating an exception. My access to the OSBot systems was recently revoked because of some computer changes I had earlier, so once I get it back I can probably get you a better answer.
  17. Yeah, lets bring back the K-Sword and Squeal of Fortune while we're at it.
  18. I'm pretty sure he means the forum structure. We have a ton of subforums, a lot of which I condensed a few months ago. I'm always for doing a forum cleanup and was actually looking at doing another one in the near future.
  19. I thought they were never going to die
  20. Generally speaking, most bot API is very similar so converting would be no problem. The problem really rests with how individual bots execute their own methods. For instance: Bot X: All interactions are handled by you. If an entity is not on screen, you must walk to it. Bot Y: If an entity is not on screen, the bot will automatically walk you to it. It's usually a lot easier to just make the script from scratch.
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