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Everything posted by Alek

  1. Some people rob a bank and are lucky enough to get away the first time. They think since they got away with it the first time, they can just keep robbing banks to get rich. Their greed consumes them then eventually it catches up, sniper takes out the bank robber as he leaves the bank with a money bag.
  2. unknowncheats and mpgh. Most are either easily detected or already detected, that's why they are dumped on there.
  3. It's really annoying when people make modified screenshots.
  4. I had disabled the Chatbox with a message stating that the client was offline, looks like someone re-enabled it.
  5. I'll take a look at it when I get a chance.
  6. Please read the original post which I made, I detailed web walking thoroughly.
  7. This update only affects walking, not bot tabs.
  8. I gave an example in the release thread, I also detailed it's current limitations and future improvements.
  9. If you would like to do a manual install, private message me for more information.
  10. Click the button that says "Install Web Walking"
  11. It can navigate dungeons fine so long as the obstacle handler is working.
  12. This is the correct answer.
  13. I'd suggest going back a page and reading my post a little bit more thoroughly, it details current limitations.
  14. This year has been pretty exciting for all the development on OSBot. As new bots emerge and fade away, we have retained our position as a leader in the old school botting community. Although most of the team has obligations outside of this project, we love our product and jump to the chance to work on it. I really think this shows and it instills confidence in our customers, scripters, and s. As always, we work on security first, performance and stability second, followed by innovations and improved design. Highlights of 2015 Mirror Mode Released WebWalking Released InteractionEvent and MoveMouseEvent re-written and improved Improved security of scripts, connections, and local data Replaced interfaces with widgets, proper handling of grandchildren Added LoginCallback and LoginResponseCodeListener Added new Worlds class, replacing the outdated WorldHopper Added new Walking class, replacing LocalWalker Added Grand Exchange API Updated to Java 8 Consolidated area classes into one class Re-wrote all OSBot interfaces from scratch Added login to the booter Added proxy manager Various performance improvements and API cleanup We hope that you've enjoyed watching OSBot develop since 2013 and you're anticipating the next series of updates over 2016. I'd like to especially thank our VIP/Sponsors that support us with the funding to make all of this happen, we have a few cool new features to make it worthwhile in the future. Have a happy and safe new year -The OSBot Staff
  15. Four more hours until the New Year, so I'm counting this as a 2015 release. After being scrapped and re-written a few times, we have a web walker which is unique because it uses real map data, traversing the map intelligently unlike other node-based web walkers. @Zach worked behind the scenes to collect the data which we needed, @MGI created the framework, and a collaborative effort was made to create the WebWalkEvent. The walking works great, however the event is still very experimental and unoptimized. Over the course of the next month, I plan on overhauling the event to make it super efficient. The only tests which I performed was traversing over large distances, and I cried tears of joy as I walked from Lumbridge to Catherby. With that said, I haven't tested obstacles (although the code for it exists) and all the snazzy stuff like teleporting and taking boats hasn't been included. Upon opening OSBot 2.4.29, you will be prompted to install the WebWalker files, if you have any issues please post below! In addition, all the changes from .25 - .28 have been dropped and I re-wrote WalkingEvent again. Hopefully WebWalking works, hopefully WalkingEvent works, hopefully the file downloading works, high risk and high reward. Changelog: -Added Walking class -Deprecated LocalWalker class -Re-wrote WalkingEvent -Added WebWalker file handler to booter -Various Mirror Mode performance improvements Scripters: Hold off on using WebWalkEvent (deprecated), it will undergo pretty large changes. Usage: walking.webWalk(Banks.FALADOR_WEST.getRandomPosition()); Download Link: http://osbot.org/devbuilds/osbot%202.4.29.jar Happy New Year -The OSBot Staff
  16. Script authorizations were not intended to be "free script trials", that's something which scripters took upon themselves to do. The cost of scripts are fair, not sure where you are doing price comparisons but OSBot scripts (especially AIO) are typically a bit higher here. The bug report system would be a lot of development time for very little impact, use the script topic to communicate with the scripter. Where does it say scripters can't release looting and staking scripts on the SDN? I could have the entire webpage with a red background and big bold black text that says "OFFLINE", people will still come into the chatbox asking if the bot is online/offline.
  17. How many screens do you have and whats your resolution?
  18. There are a lot of issues with what you are suggesting, many of which we've already experimented with over the years. Contact the SDN Manager about a broken script (free or premium) if: -The core of the script is broken OR its a premium script with a broken feature AND -You reported the problem to the scripter via PM OR on the script thread AND -The scripter has not made any attempt to update it in 2 weeks DO NOT fill up any of our inboxes if you haven't done all of those things above, it's a sure way to lose your messaging privileges.
  19. Joined today, got hacked today, got banned today. Running a lucrative business pays more than one which isn't.
  20. Just like InteractionEvent once was, WalkingEvent has its own list of nasty bugs. This update hopefully irons out some of the issues while giving scripters a little more freedom and control over walking. The big stuff: If the final destination is visible on the minimap, iterate directly to that position in the path If the next position in a path is too close, iterate to the position after it (fixes some tile spamming) Added setBreakCondition(), allows scripters to break mid-path Added safety checks for positions which are set as destinations too many times (fixes some tile spamming) Added proper sleeping conditions for navigation (fixes minimap spam) Stopping a script while mid-path will actually work now, breaking from the execution Additionally I worked on a custom minimap clip found in GraphicUtiilities. Unfortunately it's hardcoded at the moment and when I get a second to come up with something a little more innovative I will. This is currently being used with isOnMinimap(bot) WalkingEvent setHover() and isHover() has been removed. If you want to use something similar, use InteractionEvent with MainScreenTileDestination. Let me know how the new Walking is working (or not working). Download Link: http://osbot.org/devbuilds/osbot%202.4.26.jar -Alek
  21. Alek

    Auto login

    Sure, I'll get you the AES key so you can decrypt passwords.
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