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Everything posted by Alek

  1. How would you know that every human that plays will move their mouse while pressing the ESC key?
  2. Scripters also don't get paid for making free scripts, are you suggesting that we should remove all of our free scripts because it's unfair to the script writers? You do well when we do well; we do well when we have the support to keep our servers up, pay our business expenses, and keep our developers happy so I can buy a Redbull. That's done when we have a strong base of subscribing members. By making free and VIP scripts, you're supporting OSBot so there are actually customers who will buy your premium scripts.
  3. We've tinkered around with the idea before but today we actually went ahead and implemented an actual system for it. VIP and Sponsor members will have access to a special category of free VIP+ scripts. Simply visit the Scripts page, find a VIP+ script (the price will be "Base: VIP+") and click "Add" as you would for a regular free script. If you are not a member, then you will have an option to "Buy VIP" instead. We appreciate the contributions made by our members to keep this project alive and thriving. Respectfully, -The OSBot Staff
  4. Instead of using a "Default" account, try adding your RS account to the Account Selector. Also download version 2.4.41, you should get a visible warning dialog when using a default account.
  5. Unfortunately a large amount of our users were confused by these settings, so on the OSBot UI re-write I removed these features. I will not be adding this customization in the future.
  6. Quests should be properly cached in this version; once on bot load and every time you complete a new quest in the same bot session. This should fix a variety of issues users are experiencing. In addition I added a bunch of links on Neitznot to include runite mining along with other miscellaneous areas. If you are a scripter that would like to add new links, there are a few copy-pasta snippets in the Scripter's Forum. Changelog 2.4.40: -Rewrote quest caching -Added warning message in Account Selector -Added Settings getPlayerWeight() -Added 6 new custom links to WebWalking -Various performance tweaks Changelog 2.4.41: -Removed unused/deprecated methods Please test and post below so we can roll it into a Stable build as soon as possible. -The OSBot Staff
  7. What errors are you getting in console? Edit: Pretty sure it's going to tell you there was a packing error, sometimes happens when you have containers too close together with look and feel.
  8. @Dopeness - If you want full customization of an event, you can create the event yourself as pointed out by Flamezzz. The "front-end" API is for newer scripters or people who are perfectly fine with how the default events are handled. I'm aware of some of the main screen tile spam along with spamming the minimap on the first tile being walked to. We tried to patch a serious issue with web walking to areas, in which because of the threshold you would walk right outside it. The spamming/clunkiness is something which is something that will take a little bit of time to smooth out.
  9. There are two methods, the varargs is not deprecated.
  10. This release fixes a whole bunch of varying issues and gives us some back-end stuff which will be more noticeable in the future. Bug fixes: -CachedWidget re-written and re-purposed --Fixes banking issues with withdraw/rearrange modes -Patched issue with web walking to areas Improvements: -WebWalking interactions, route finding, (20+ classes updated) -Bank depositAllExcept() will click the "Deposit All" button straight away if applicable -Added new WebWalking links (added the fishing guild cave as requested by suggestions) A bunch of other stuff I'm sure I didn't brief you guys on, hopefully everything runs smooth. Let us know in the comments below. -The OSBot Staff
  11. Alek


    If I give you a script, would you mind running it?
  12. Check the inventory item slot destination clips against the distance to your mouse position. We have the API link above in the navigation bar, so just search for InventorySlotDestination. Also I think you meant to say "human like pattern" instead of "anti-pattern", unless you plan on randomizing the sequence of combinations of course. Edit: You can do the same in Java as well.
  13. Alek

    Webwalking bugs

    The next version will take care of some of these issues, the rest we're also looking at.
  14. Although it took us almost two years to finally release web walking, this update marks a point where our technology exceeds that of our old school botting competitors. Thanks to @MGI, we made the necessary adjustments to fine tune many facets of our web walker and went on a linking rampage. If there is a will, there is a way. Spirit trees, Sailing, quests, inventory items, obstacles, and dungeons; it has only just begun. This changes everything and really sets us apart from our competitors. As a scripter myself, I began re-writing my kCutter script to exclusively use web walking. @MGI surprised me when I started the script at the top of Lumbridge castle and my character walked to Catherby docks, took a boat to Karamja, took another boat to Port Khazard, and then began chopping yews outside of Yanille. Before scripts such as Slayer were daunting, now it's become a very real and manageable possibility for many scripters. Enough pep-talk, here's the nitty gritty: @MGI updates: -Improved quests api -All the links for webwalking including Spirit trees, sailing, quests, and much more -NodeRouteFinder performance & behavior updates -Various improvements and stability re-works; 1,500 lines of code (edit: more like 15000 actually) @Alek updates: -Smoothed camera and walking in WebWalkEvent -Patched Bank enableMode -Updated spell books -Patched WalkingEvent setMinDistanceThreshold() We still have a lot we're changing and adding, stay tuned for jewelry teleports, magic teleports, more quests, and more means of getting to where you need to go. API Docs have been updated -The OSBot Staff
  15. Alek


    We're going to be releasing a new stable version soon. As MGI pointed out above, start switching over to: Walking.webWalk(Area)
  16. We don't revert unless for some reason the new version compromises security. Posting a bug report helps.
  17. Thanks for the link Chicken. http://2007.runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Arceuus_spellbook I can't promise that the slot will still be open by tomorrow, I'd just keep tabs on this thread.
  18. Just looking for a necromancy supplier, I'll give the person who supplies it 21 days because it's going to take me some time to make the new Spellbook.
  19. I'm giving away 14-day VIP passes for accounts with any of the following: -Ancient Spellbook(@sikerim6155) -Lunar Spellbook(@Muffins donated pass to @ikk) -Necromancy Spellbook (I'm guessing this is some new Zeah thing?) Post below and I'll private message. You may have a bank pin, but the spellbook MUST be active.
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