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Everything posted by Alek

  1. Minutes, I wanted to keep it all the same. The settings interface uses minutes, the botter is informed of their bot/break time in minutes, and the paint is in minutes as well. If you call getTimeUntilBreak() and you get "0", it's less than a minute until your break time. Personally I would start running and banking at the one or two minute mark to be on the safe side.
  2. Since this is a stable build, I'll be including the full list of changes from the development builds. Although nothing too impressive, scripters can now get the time until your next break through new API. This will allow them to properly plan your break by performing logout tasks such as teleporting you to safety, storing equipment, picking up dropped items, etc. Also for those of you who only use the stable builds, OSBot underwent some interaction improvements. Version 2.3.117 -Improved GU getSuitablePoint() checks -Removed Utilities getClientVersion() -Removed Utilities isVIP() -Deprecated Utilities isMirrorMode() -Added Client getVersion() -Added Client isVIP() -Added Client isMirrorMode() -Updated Worlds API, miscellaneous world selection filters -Added RandomExecutor getTimeUntilBreak() method -Patched BreakManager time randomization Version 2.3.116 -Worlds f2p/p2p hop methods check for High Risk worlds -Worlds f2p/p2p hop methods check for current world -Patched various issues regarding Worlds initialization -Updated Autologin bounding boxes, replaced with hot keys Version 2.3.115 -Deprecated GU getSuitablePointFor(Shape) -Added GU getSuitablePoint(MouseDestination) -Updated Worlds for potential null fix bot.getRandomExecutor().getTimeUntilBreak() The API documentation will be updated today; please wait while it processes. -The OSBot Staff
  3. Alek

    My CSGO clips

    I was the last one alive
  4. Here are some of my recent CSGO clips, I have a few more but recording and putting them on YouTube is too much work. Yesterday (quadra): Month ago (ace):
  5. After recently re-writing much of the old code on my server, I went ahead and added name changing functionality. If you are a current kScripts customer, visit the customer panel here. You can update your authorization in three easy steps: Step 1 - Find your authorizations: Step 2 - Set your new name Step 3 - Verify your name change Customers who have purchased multiple authorizations will be emailed name change keys free of charge. -Alek
  6. This is to prevent the bot from automatically closing or opening ads.
  7. This is another small patch to both Worlds API and Autologin. Changelog: -Worlds f2p/p2p hop methods check for High Risk worlds -Worlds f2p/p2p hop methods check for current world -Patched various issues regarding Worlds initialization -Updated Autologin bounding boxes, replaced with hot keys -The OSBot Staff
  8. What script are you using where this is happening? I have tested about three scripts which use NPCs and they are all running fine (taking way less than 10 seconds to interact).
  9. Did someone coach you to say that? Khaleesi: I looked through your purchases and you use Khal Tab Maker, a script made by Khaleesi.
  10. All my friends are Global but whenever I solo queue I usually lose. 700+ competitive wins.
  11. This is a small development build which looks to further improve upon GU getSuitablePoint. There were a few issues when selecting a point and hopefully this update addresses them. Please run your scripts against this build and let me know how interactions are working. Changelog: -Deprecated GU getSuitablePointFor(Shape) -Added GU getSuitablePoint(MouseDestination) -Updated Worlds for potential null fix -The OSBot Staff
  12. My scripts are hosted on the same SDN as everyone else. I would be really impressed if my script had such fantastic AI that it started drop trading and liquidating all your assets. Anyways, thanks for the chuckle and congrats on your first post.
  13. No, if you have issues with SDN management let me know.
  14. You can only apply for Scripter 3 as a Scripter 2. The Scripter 2 rank checks Java knowledge with practical OSBot API application. Developer is not on the table as a special duty. SDN Manager is considered a special duty; at one point in time API Developer and Random Event Scripter was too. There may be a few new special duties in the future.
  15. I'm sure many of you have already noticed, a rank change took place over this weekend. The purpose of this change was to tackle two issues: 1. The very large gap between SDN Scripter and Official Script Developer. 2. New scripters releasing premium scripts. By breaking down the scripter community into three tiers instead of two, we were able to solve pretty much everything. The breakdown: Scripter I Entry-level rank and assigned to scripters upon the release of their first script. Benefits include client VIP privileges; must maintain an active script on the SDN. Scripter II Scripter I members may apply for this rank provided they have at least one month on the forums. At this point in time they are assigned a test based on Java and the OSBot API. A passing score of 4/5 is required, failed tests result in test cooldowns. Benefits include VIP client privileges and the ability to release premium scripts. Must maintain an active script on the SDN. Scripter III Scripter II members may apply for this rank provided they have at least three months on the forums. Selection process is very competitive and can take anywhere between two months to over a year. The application is multi-faceted and is geared toward grading a scripter as a programmer. Benefits include VIP client privileges, ability to release premium script, and the opportunity to work in special duties such as SDN Manager. Provided there are no pending disciplinary actions, does not need to maintain an active script on the SDN.
  16. Tom is not correct. LocalWalker handles run because it calls WalkEvent. If you want you can construct your own walk event and set the parameters to disable or enable toggling run. There is also an option to set the threshold in the event.
  17. This really has nothing to do with the OSBot API. Unless you Override a method (which you cannot for this), you have to use setRunning as it comes from the API (settings.setRunning(boolean)).
  18. Zoom is working fine regardless of setting, Resizable mode should be caught initially on script start.
  19. I'm taking it that you didn't write that task system yourself? You might want to look into using enum states until you get a little more familiar with Java. In the meantime check out some of this stuff: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/IandI/subclasses.html https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/IandI/super.html https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/concepts/interface.html
  20. It also shows you which lines: at tasks.ClickSafe.<init>(ClickSafe.java:14) at core.SafeCracker.onStart(SafeCracker.java:59) What methods are you using on those lines?
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