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Everything posted by Alek

  1. You can either: 1. Randomize the time using the checkbox, as @1anter pointed out 2. Create your own break handler, or ask a scripter to implement a custom one
  2. Why are you using closest? Also you are not null checking, I wouldn't trust you to write a chicken killer yet alone Callisto Edit: It was a joke, didn't mean to come off as a personal attack
  3. The "correct" way is to pass the bot instance, however there are many solutions that also work.
  4. I'd recommend learning conditional sleeping, this would both solve your issue and make it more responsive. Since it seems you're new to programming, you could add a 500ms sleep after your second interaction. Also you have : if (!getWidgets().isVisible(270, 14)) { //do stuff } if (getWidgets().isVisible(270, 14)) { //do more stuff } You can replace this with: if (!getWidgets().isVisible(270, 14)) { } else { } The else is faster on the machine since it's only checking that if statement once. The else is the inverse of the if statement. In human english terms, you would read this as, "if widget 270, 14 is NOT NOT visible", NOT NOT, double not so this is true, therefore "if widget 270, 14 is visible". Edit: accidentally missed a !
  5. It's the first message in the list
  6. You cannot override any settings set by the botter in the client. The only exception is BreakManager, in which the botter is prompted with a message informing him/her about the override.
  7. https://osbot.org/api/org/osbot/rs07/api/model/Player.html
  8. Alek

    OSBot 2.5.2

    Read the post above yours. Also the pause button is something I want to remove because suspending threads like that brings forth a lot of issues.
  9. Use low resource mode to disable painting, it will help with CPU a lot. Also might want to use scripts that don't use web walking. He only has 4GB of RAM, he's going to have to sacrifice heap space for increased CPU processing.
  10. Alek

    OSBot 2.5.2

    Not specific to OSBot. Just press the arrow key in the direction its moving.
  11. AutoLogin() isn't a method, it's the initializer for a class. Your script only runs when your fully logged into the game to prevent new scripters from easily throwing null pointers and crashing the client. I'd suggest first learning a bit of Java and how objects are constructed before attempting to do something like this. If you still want to go ahead without learning the necessary knowledge, you will need to start OSBot with -norandoms enabled so you can execute code at the login screen.
  12. There are spam bots that spam tourism for a town?
  13. Alek

    OSBot 2.5.2

    I'm not having that issue, I'm on Windows 10. What Windows version are you on?
  14. Well, what are you doing right now?
  15. Alek

    OSBot 2.5.2

    No clue why, what's the name of your antivirus? Were you using 2.4.162 or 2.5.0 before upgrading to 2.5.1? I heard mirror mode sometimes causes a false positive.
  16. Please don't tag me. If it's a permission saying that something is blocked, then it's blocked. OSBot priorities: 1. Security 2. Stability 3. Features You can ask in the scripting help section for alternatives that are compatible with OSBot. Edit: May depend on how you are downloading the jar as well. As other's have suggested, also make sure you are downloading in getDirectoryData().
  17. Looks like you are trying to create a task/node system. You should probably just work on your OOP before doing something like this. If you are not working on a task/node system, what are you actually trying to achieve?
  18. Alek

    OSBot 2.5.2

    Please refer to this post:
  19. Alek

    OSBot 2.5.2

    Thanks to everyone that reported the bug where you couldn't click while a script was running. Turned out to be a mistake on my end while fixing Advertisements last minute. I once again made more improvements to that system while fixing the bug I introduced when working on it the first time. Sorry about that problem. Thanks @ThatGamerBlue and @Woody for their help. Now you can post whether you like 2.5.X or not
  20. Figured out the problem, seems to be an issue with advertisements. I'll be working on a fix soon.
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