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Everything posted by guywithlsd

  1. well, my account lasts around 2-4 days. But i bot 16h/day with no breaks, only stopping when droping stuff in/out. So if i would go with breaks, i think i would last for weeks. EDIT: Just got Bot Busting Moderate on Seagulls after 22h..so close to 24...so close..
  2. who know man..who knows.... If you are in palce with lot's of other players, then it might be you are reported (idk how the script goes)..?
  3. Dam...thats cool man. fuck..shit...no, but really..fuck...dam.
  4. So, am i lucky as fuck, or there is no bot worlds any more?
  5. my bad. read it incorrect lol.
  6. Can't fucking stand price crashes because of F2p..those fucking noobs sell stuff way cheaper, zybez floated with low amount items lower price than normal...fuck this bullshit..and they will probably leave this shit after 2 weeks trial..fuck this...
  7. Okay, so every one says don't bot without proxys...but where do i even get legit proxys? Where you ppls buy your proxys? Like, there is only 1 re-seller in Services section..and i don't trust re-sellers...I tryed purchase from proxyblaze, but my payment status is Fraud for weeks now, and they don't even answer my ticket i opened..so any legit proxys out there? P.S. If you feel like you don't whant to share with all the leechers, you can always PM me
  8. Here is mine. First try to do my own script, and it's fucking awesome. There is no better feel when u watch flaweless script made by your self. This need some fix for faster xp...but i'm still happy. I run my own script 10h+ day after i got 2d ban. Still goes with no problems lol.
  9. If you spent all money on proxys/ scripts..how you gonna buy bonds for accounts?
  10. I know this guy, and he is not a russian...wtf this bs you sayd should mean?
  11. I use 3G internet, and every time i turn off my pc, next morning i have another ip. Just checked, few days ago saved my ip address, today its different...and this still doesn't save me from flagged ip ban. So idk, it's not only jsut changing ip numbers. Not to mention, few years ago, i had accoun that was stolen with all info. After alot of recovers acc got locked. Now, few days ago i tryed to unlock, and i sitll got error that my ip address is banned from trying recover this account...so if jagex flagged you, changing ip will not help. you need to change also all those mac addresses and so on...atleast what my expierence says..
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