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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Jams

  1. Thanks for the update! Keep up the good work ^_^
  2. Welcome :p If you need help with anything let me know ^_^
  3. dex in trooooooooooooubbbbleeeeeeeeeeeee
  4. This is a client issue, not a script issue. Happens with any script I use, and to actually do something myself while having mirror open requires me to move my mouse on mirror client and pretty much guess where I am clicking because the client is like a video that is minutes behind.
  5. http://gyazo.com/b34aa27bc20fe17d3251b96ecf53510d <this is a gif as you can see, the bot client is completely frozen - but the legit client is moving just fine
  6. 17 hour proggy will be 24hour soon also went from 45-51 strength and 30-46 agility
  7. hmm, maybe best to just wait on @Maldesto to get on then. Good luck, everything should be fixed shortly! Sorry for the inconvenience.
  8. You might have paid with e-check or something, if you paid with e-check it will take 3-5 days to process the payment. If it is an error other than what I said above @Maldesto will have to help you.
  9. Refresh your scripts, it will be there. Good luck botting! Let me know if you need anything else buddy ^_^
  10. jackshow bots like 10 barrows accs idk about bans tho you cant use mirror with frostbarrows
  11. new game: find one hero of time thread that isnt shitty winner gets 1$ usd
  12. yet another shitty hero of time thread
  13. Jams


    and noahthewisewolfs
  14. I was VIP but it ran out and I dont bot anymore so I didnt renew it I dont even bot anymore, I bought vip just to test mirror out and botted for a couple weeks without getting a ban, botting 10hours +/- daily while doing legit stuff after botting. Although I was not botting for gold, I can say without a doubt that mirror does help with bans.
  15. 2m - also, just because you are an iron man doesn't mean people can't steal your things btw.
  16. offer: 8$ g2a sells for like $15 edit: oops double post soz pm me in chat if u wanna sell it
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