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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by DyQuest

  1. not that ive seen. but ive only used it for like 35-70 cooking and never much higher.
  2. Risky my dude. I legit did v course for 2 hours on a new account trying to go from 30 to 40 and got banned lul.
  3. they were in alphabetical order. now i have no fucking clue how theyre sorted and its tilting the fuck out of me.
  4. trippy shit my dudes. but 55m-65m
  5. Aw dang. I got one with base 60s if you might be interested. Or I have a maxed AGS addy daddy with 75 atk 99 str 30 def.
  6. cus he prolly dont wanna click a rock for 12 hours straight
  7. Probs like 55m+ depending on how much value they put into mining pet.
  8. Agility and Rc are super high ban rates when it comes to botting. I'd avoid it tbh. But its a year for 2 day ban quashes. I just got one on my main quashed a few months ago from botting in 2016.
  9. It happens sometimes. It's not very common but someone posted the same thing about a week or so ago. Uncommon ban method.
  10. Tru. 1 def has 2 higher max hit with g maul at 39 compared to 37 of 13 def. But 13 def has access to black defender, slayer helm, white armor, fairy rings, etc. Both seem like cool options but dunno where i wanna go.
  11. Opinions? 50 A 99 S 1 D 31 P 99 R 99 M 99 H vs 50 A 99 S 13 D 13 P 99 R 99 M 99 H Both would be maxed at 77 combat. One is 1 def with 31 pray and the other is 13 def with 13 prayer. Ultimate str + mith gloves vs superhuman str + addy gloves
  12. DyQuest


    Yo could ya boi get a trial doe
  13. dumb ass teenage me thought itd be cool
  14. now if only we could remove the wilderness ditch
  15. All my settings seem to show normally. Weird stuff.
  16. barf. I hated the chaotic grind on soulsplit.
  17. perfectsandcrabs. i botted sometimes 2-8 hours a day. kinda suicided towards the end. so i know the fault is mine.
  18. This is my digusting pk vid with 0 sound because I was retarded and didnt know how to edit. Also, I think I remember you from duel arena. Cus i was rich af during the time Spectral was overseer/helper.
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