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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by DyQuest

  1. 2 day ban just finished up on a baby pure of mine. Continue doing shit on it or scrap it and start anew? Havent done many quests yet. Stats are 40 atk, 78 str, 67 hp, 40 range.
  2. oof. mine is similar but not nearly as bad
  3. reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeagles.
  4. DyQuest

    OSBot 2.4.162

    ya, i think its a mirror mode issue maybe. cus stealth works fine
  5. DyQuest

    OSBot 2.4.162

    i did u smelly boobhead >:[ edit: o it mirror mode cause my issue. :[
  6. you think i bot my quests l0l err. offer? thats why i posted in pc lul
  7. DyQuest

    OSBot 2.4.160

    reeeeeeeeeee nuddin werks
  8. You used to be able to stall it by spamming prayers you didnt have unlocked but that doesn't work anymore. Mithril seeds can be used to easily get over. Every other trap other than the bridges can be tanked/trap tricked to make it faster.
  9. Are you using osbuddy with mirror mode? If so, turn off the mining plugin if you're using it. The mining plugin from osbpro messed up the script for me as well. But turned off it works fine.
  10. Ya, it just totally depends on where you plan to take the acc. If you're only going to be pvping I say 1 def. But zerker gives you options for pretty much everything and multiple styles of pking with like void and shit. Also access to better loot when pking compared to 3k pure loots xd. Also, 100 to 0 means killing them quickly basically. Term is used throughout a lot of games where pvp is involved.
  11. Upstairs always worked for me on 3 accounts.
  12. 1 def imo.But zerk gives you a lot of options as well.
  13. DyQuest

    OSBot 2.4.160

    anudder update to 161? poppin these baddies out
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