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Scripter II
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Everything posted by ez11

  1. so you suicide bot accounts and you are surprised you get banned after a day?
  2. ez11


    no, either wear an avas or you have to ignore the few gp you lose by not picking up ammo.
  3. read this and use common sense
  4. ez11


    The only exact positions this script uses are the crab spots you afk in.
  5. why did you buy from them tho. arcus shut down months ago
  6. ez11


    trial is active. To answer your question: Swamp crabs are only good for range. They have some defense levels but negative range defense, so it ends up with your range dps being better against them compared to other crabs but your meele dps is much worse.
  7. If your name is novak and you dont get a joke about your name and "vac" (volvo anti cheat) when you advertise a csgo cheat, you should really reflect how negative you are as a person before assuming that everyone is out to flame you lol
  8. do not log out if you are already ingame
  9. ez11


    Noone can really tell you about banrates, but i havent had issues with it and i havent heard any of my users complain.
  10. will test tomorrow not sure if i will see much difference with low sample size tho
  11. https://twitter.com/JagexAsh/status/1243168579585019904 check this for updates: https://old.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/fpc6yu/servers_are_down_check_here_for_updated/
  12. They only made like 3 announcements that they would be working from home, so we cant be 100% sure yet if they are working from home or not
  13. ez11

    Max Melee

    like 100m would be worth more with more trustworthy oo
  14. Well the api method says: "Activates or deactivates the specified prayer if you have the required level." So for your case you would have to make your own method that would just click on the widget without checking your prayer level. Just put that prayer widget in the widgetdebugger and see what changes when you turn the prayer on/off and use that to check if you were successful.
  15. ez11


    and how exactly is that going to deal with your cannon breaking or running out of ammo at different speeds?
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