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Everything posted by BlueEyes

  1. I need all f2p quests completed on my f2p ironman, will include collecting all items. will pay in osrs gold. Post your prices below. TYTY
  2. looking to train my 10 hp obby mauler with this method, is quite afk. price isn't a problem, just best possible anti ban https://oldschoolrunescape.fandom.com/wiki/Uncleaned_find 1. take uncleaned finds, its afk, just have to click once. 2. clean uncleaned finds, its afk. just one click. 3. once you finish cleaning the finds, press the box, agree to put in items by pressing one. by putting in finds in the crate, you have a chance at an experience lamp, which I would want used on slayer. After putting items in box, you'd bank items and repeat. https://gyazo.com/cada9af3ef73b1adbf8b7e7d7f4a8954 pm me or post below if this is something you're interested in, I need a lot of work done
  3. need someone to finish collecting some items (ie; charcoal, pestle and mortar, uncut opal, any others..) and finish the Digsite quest. This will be done on my ironman. I will be paying in osrs gold. Please post below or pm me.
  4. any plan on just pumping? has turned in META hp str training
  5. any plans on just adding pumping support? seems to be META for hp free str training.
  6. Can you add bagged plant 1? you just grow the bagged plants, remove, untnote at rimming , would really help early consntruction level and farming level
  7. dang. any plans to implement it? really wanna use this on my ironman.
  8. can this use runes for teleporting?
  9. BlueEyes

    Stealth Quester

    Can this complete The Client of Kourend on my ironman?
  10. I need access to fossil island. I will give you a fresh account and I want 100 kudos completed along with bone voyage, giving me access to fossil island. Preferably keeping combat skills level 1. pm me, comment below, or message me on Skype. jtmartin.dec@live.com I will be paying in osrs.
  11. please close this is sorted
  12. I need the quests to get me fossil island access. I have done 3/5. Rune Mysteries, Hazeel Cult, and Demon Slayer. I will also need Digsite and Bone Voyage finished. I will pay osrs. Add me on Skype or message me here. jtmartin.dec@live.com
  13. what are the possibilities of adding an option to not log in until all crops are ready to harvest?
  14. so clients updated and managed to finish a full cycle without any issues!! Very impressed so far.
  15. ok. thanks for all the quick responses and information. and the script not working is on the client side, not yours, correct?
  16. understandable. the quickest way for it back to Zeah would be it running to Veos from Falador and running to the patch or can it make use of a skills' necklace to the WC Guild?
  17. and it'll return to falador via teletabs and return to zeah via veos and running to the patch? whenever you have time, that would be great. just curious, why can't it withdrawal compost via the tool lep?
  18. even though the zeah sandcrab bank chest and the tithe farm bank chest are closer?
  19. I purchased this script last night, just to confirm. If I have it set to only use zeah patches, it'll plant both allotments, use composts on them, withdrawl more composts from the tool lep, log out, and then log back it when it is time to harvest them and continue the process?
  20. may i have trial please?
  21. do you ever intend on adding 'Amulet of Chemistry' support? looking to buy a herblore script
  22. do you offer trials on this script? if so, may I have access to one?
  23. need fremmy isles, one small favor, king's ransom, and the miniquest afterwards in order to be able to use the 60/70 prayers. total of 3 quests and the knight's wave training grounds miniquest. post offers below along with your Skype, if im interested, ill add you on Skype. 67 offsite feedback.
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