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Everything posted by BlueEyes

  1. are all attack quests finished for pures on the account? couldn't tell from scrolling quest box.
  2. love a new sig 'name / graphic / Skype ID' sorry for your loss. blueeyes.pb if wanna take on the task
  3. had some free time this morning, got ddef in 700 tokens still need void
  4. BlueEyes

    Fruity NMZ

    Had any issues with it drinking overloads? restarted it twice this morning with the same outcome, used it many a time without any issues manually drank first dose and seems to be working now, sorry
  5. needing dragon defender starting from black defender, including collecting tokens, handdone. and full void with range helm starting at 108 pest points, handdone. post offers below including a timeline on how long this service will take. account is 102 combat feel free to contact on skype
  6. disputed user has 4 other scam reports open on a separate site, has been banned.
  7. 31-40 craft, 36-40 wc, 9-25 fletching, handdone and fremmy trials completed. on a lv98 account. post offers below or add my Skype trusted users please.
  8. BlueEyes


    to train strength? no.
  9. BlueEyes

    f2p pure

    I have sold over 4 of these accounts with the same stats for 25m each.
  10. BlueEyes

    Stealth Quester

    I completed Big Chompy and Ogre Subquest without any issues.
  11. Yeah I have one similar, add my Skype
  12. BlueEyes

    Stealth Quester

    Keep us updated! I'm about to do the same!
  13. BlueEyes

    Stealth Quester

    Let's say I wanted gloves on my obby mauler, would I just select sots and evil dave from the quest list and have my equipment setup with a poisoned bone dagger? (1 attack) since completed waterfall prior would ruin my account.
  14. Can I have a trial please?
  15. has ava's and mith gloves. has a 2 day ban on it, but fun for pking, its 15m if you want it, pm for more info or add my skype.
  16. BlueEyes

    Stealth Quester

    I've done golem twice, no issues This. You do not get them back.
  17. BlueEyes

    Stealth Quester

    Animal Magnetism and prequests in one session, very niceee.
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