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Everything posted by scott94

  1. I'm just impressed that my suicide farm is still going three weeks in
  2. Make sure you use some randomisation as I had an aged account banned using an auto clicker without randomisation.
  3. please could I get a 24 hour free trial?
  4. I'm having some issues safe spotting at graveyard, it only attacks the green dragon when it is aggro'd and up close it will not attack the dragon if its any further than about 5 tiles, can this be updated? losing massive gp per hour and xp
  5. @Khaleesi Could I get a trial please? I may have had one about a year ago but can't remember!
  6. Hello, i have decided to start a NMZ Powerlevelling service. Over the next couple of months I will be able to play rs for a few hours per day and decided to make some GP. i will be offering the following stats to train and i will be charging 5gp/xp Terms of Service Please do not log into the account without asking me first while i am in the process of doing a service. Your always welcome to ask me over skype. Please do not change the password on the account until the service is completed. You will pay for all services in full before i start the services. You will supply everything needed for the services If any terms are broken i will cancel the service and refund the amount i see fit for the rest of the work. You must change your password after service/order is complete and i will not be liable for your account. If the account gets banned during the order,you will be fully refunded.This is void if you've been banned after the order is complete. i have the right to decline a service if i don't want to do it You must supply the gear used in NMZ NMZ training combat stats -Attack (must be 40 attack minimum in order for me to start for you) -Strength (can start from 1 if attack is 40) -Defence (can start from 1 if attack is 40) -Range (must have 50 range in order for me to start for you) -Hp -Magic- only from level 75 willing to negotiate some discounts if i think the price is too much Payment Methods & Contact Methods Payment Methods - RSGP
  7. 42-55 slayer required post prices
  8. trial of pest control please
  9. Bought one 75/75/75 from @pauliokas123 +1
  10. 2x Quests - Grand tree, Tree Gnome Village quotes please Skype: OSRSGoldSeller
  11. @pauliokas123 I would offer you 20m ea but you must provide proof they are tut island accounts and who you purchased them from?
  12. I am in need of two accounts with 60/60/60 in melee stats. i will create the accounts for you and you will supply the gear/supplies. please let me know your prices
  13. Not sure on a price check but if you're going to post a thread selling it, send me a PM as i'd be interested in buying it!
  14. Ok tbh I don't mind what they are the purpose of this thread was for a price check which is why it's in this section of the forum. Now we've all gained a little post count can the next people to reply please submit their price guides? Thanks in advance.
  15. Appreciate it may seem misleading but it's simply what they are, "starter" mains/max melee accounts they are my projects, I plan to continue till max melee unless I sell them
  16. Two starter mains/max melee "starter"
  17. PC on: 81/81/81 - 2 day ban a few months back 75/73/74 - No bans Thanks =]
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