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Scripter III
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Everything posted by Apaec

  1. Apaec


    The binding of Isaac Lol it's a wierd ass game but it's what I play with no internet
  2. Apaec


    Only 7 more times to go... OT amazing game
  3. Hi guys, I do not handle payments, they are handled by OSBot itself. Please send a PM to @Maldesto As he controls the store and he will help you from there. apaec.
  4. What does the version at the top of the GUI say? also, which tree are you talking about! EDIT: You're right! I didnt quite fix the bug, the issue was larger than anticipated - but i've just written a patch which will be available in version 2.02 (which should be available to all you guys within 24 hours) Happy botting!
  5. Personally don't think stamina pots is needed. The more food you can hold, the better!
  6. the boolean parameter is right click I believe. mouse.click(false) left clicks mouse.click(true) right clicks as for interacting with the menu option, if you log in and bring that menu up in the osbot client and enter interface debugger mode, you'll have to mouse over the interface you wish to click and it'll tell you the parent and child Ids which u can then use in a line such as interfaces.interactWithChild(int parentId, int ChildId, action) eg interfaces.interactWithChild(300,3,"Yes") gl!
  7. Look at free ones, see the usercount? I wouldn't touch a free script with a 10 foot pole (let alone a 5 foot one). If you've got that many people using a script it'd be bound to be dangerous. Nonetheless buying a premium script doesn't make it safe to bot, by no means. I personally only used my main on premium scripts but unfortunately it was banned (although it was actually being used by another scripter at the time ( i lent it to this scripter to test his script), and i believe he was testing his script on it for extended periods which was what lead to the ban, even though his script was still in development and he was at the time the only user ofcourse).
  8. Now i'm no expert when it comes to this, so please don't take my recommendation as the truth, but I personally only like to run scripts for maybe 1 hour on, and even 3-4 hours off. You'll have to ask around though as there are people more knowledgable than me when it comes to botting practices! -Apaec.
  9. woah frost you've outdone yourself now Genuinely really impressed, lol. A* or Djinskras? >>
  10. Apaec

    SOTW 26

    What did u do this time... x)
  11. it should be version 2.01 is it that?
  12. Cmon lads 1500 users and not a proggie in sight! Would love a proggie or two -Apaec
  13. yep mate all' good I believe I fix the bug (reverence gathered some data for me and I patched it up. ) am no longer in need of an account but thanks anyway! Apaec.
  14. UPDATE! Hiya guys, I've just pushed an update, we've moved to V2.0! This update features: A fix to the walking bug you may have experienced General Bug fixes Combat Potion support This push should be available within 24 hours, and when running the script if it says '2.0' at the top of the GUI, it means you're up to date! Happy botting all and hope you enjoy the changes, Apaec.
  15. I get home in an hour or so but as I said I need to borrow an account in order to gather path data (I'll ask around for this when I get back) will also add combat potion support ? if you have issues contact @Maldesto with regards to payments - I don't handle them. my other guess would be because you bought it? lol...
  16. cool but may I ask, why does it have to be at seers? you could easily just utilise names and make it support and bank / bank chest!
  17. Heya mate! I've taken some time to read into the walking method released in the latest update as an addition to the API. I plan on utilising this method to make walking much smoother. Additionally, I would actually need access to an account to gather in-game data in order to fix this bug, I was wondering if by any chance you could lend me your account tonight so i can quickly hop on and gather some path data? I'll only need your account for 5 mins or so (i don't have one of my own atm as my friend got it banned). I could potentially add combat pots too, i'll look into it add my skype (mukl.barlow) and i'll get back to you asap.
  18. Hi mate, 1: make sure your running lastest version 2: I need more info on what goes wrong ! are you sure you've set it up right?
  19. I read somewhere the optimum loop frequency is return gRandom(215.80) for the onLoop delay Can't remember who posted that though... one of the devs? Ty for the backbone too, alek
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