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Scripter III
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Everything posted by Apaec

  1. if it's been more than 6 hours and it's still not there, send a private message explaining the situation to @Maldesto and he will sort it out for you . apa
  2. case TAN: RS2Widget w = getWidgets().getWidgetContainingText("Hard leather"); if (w != null && w.isVisible()) { w.interact("Tan All"); } else { NPC ellis = npcs.closest("Ellis"); if (ellis != null && ellis.exists()) { ellis.interact("Trade"); //either put a conditional sleep until interface is open here, or just stick with a static sleep and let state machine do the work eg: sleep(random(400,500) + random(400,500)); } else { sleep(random(400,500) + random(400,500)); } break; Re-written tan case... change the tan condition in the getState to: if(ellis!=null&& ellis.exists() && inventory.contains(1739)) //tans hides when at tanner return State.TAN;
  3. If this happens frequently I can see what I can do. I'll take a look this week and try and push some kind of change later on as soon as I can get round to it apa
  4. Hey, Sure, i've given you a 24h trial. Enjoy! apa
  5. Apaec

    Pet jad

    yes you get firecape as well. A guy exchanged 86 firecapes in hopes of getting a pet. he didn't get one. just goes to show it really is quite hard to get! apa
  6. Very strange. Perhaps try disabling worldhopping as that might be the cause.
  7. Apaec

    Pet jad

    No, found some guy at the ge with it, he got it on his first ever jad kill lol. what a lucky scrub. apa
  8. Hey, this is strange as it's not getting stuck for me. Where has it gotten stuck? apa
  9. Apaec

    Pet jad

    This little scrub is so god damn cute
  10. nooo it doesn't really matter. What matters is whether you enjoy the script or not apa
  11. sure done, in future only post in one place, I tend to check the forums every 30 mins while im awake so sorry if I don't check immediately when you post apa
  12. irl i'm an average guy i suppose, got lots of hobbies and friends. I think i'm more serious online than i am offline.
  13. piece of shit email hosts all fkin confusing to navigate through using this new flattened modern format screw all of this shit deleted email /rant
  14. sure! i've given you a 24h trial. Enjoy ! apa
  15. ofcourse, i've given you a 24h trial. Enjoy! apa
  16. Scripters do not handle payments so they are helpless. Instead contact @Maldesto with all questions money-related In future, do not chargeback unless you are asking for a ban (this is stealing) - instead request a refund - if your reason is valid then the refund request will get accepted and you will get your money back. gl! apa
  17. perhaps, being reported sucks. I suppose you could use remoter locations but then again being in edge might be better because its more crowded maybe a wildi pk world would be better because it would be packed with pkers... not sure haha! apa
  18. seriously though, what I like: it's a new idea. last thing we want is for them to release dung or summoning. you can see how shit rs3 has become and we dont want osrs to follow in its footsteps Sounds like a cool idea with using the current map and shipyards to its advantage. What I don't like Sailing is now considered a joke and now no1 can take it seriously Sounds a little hacked together as a skill... skills suck when they try to incorporate other skills alongside them - an example is smithing... there's no fletching in smithing. But they said there would be a 'little bit for everyone' in sailing. I don't like this They could spend more time thinking on a cooler, more novel idea apa
  19. b...bb...but its not even april
  20. Random events are handled by the client, so I cannot do anything about this! apa
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